Congressman Ken had a peculiar habit of not only heaving too much into his mouth at any given time but of chewing with his mouth half open
making eating with Congressman Ken, thought Warren Lock an almost pornographic experience concerning graphic content .
"The times unfortunately aren't such that one can
just fry someone with the Direct Energy
on the street
in the light of day.
without someone or other
making some kind of big stink about it" Ken lamented stuffing a ball of garlic bread in his mouth
"Although Indis O 'Say had some marvelous ideas about placing into the 8th Floor Social media news feed a wonderful scenario about a sudden "outbreak" of spontaeus combustion occurring cross the globe ...some type of epidemic ...caused by people's belief that cell phone radiation causes health problems...a serious piece by some MIT neurobiologist paid to discuss how the misguided thinking that non ioning radiation is THAT dangerous can cause people suseptable to THAT KIND of thinking to literally combust spontaneously .."
Everything was up and running for a culling of the herd with Direct Energy weapons but first "the herd ' had to percive of the 'It Came From Outter Space " weapons as extraterstrial in nautre and design
making eating with Congressman Ken, thought Warren Lock an almost pornographic experience concerning graphic content .
"The times unfortunately aren't such that one can
just fry someone with the Direct Energy
on the street
in the light of day.
without someone or other
making some kind of big stink about it" Ken lamented stuffing a ball of garlic bread in his mouth
"Although Indis O 'Say had some marvelous ideas about placing into the 8th Floor Social media news feed a wonderful scenario about a sudden "outbreak" of spontaeus combustion occurring cross the globe ...some type of epidemic ...caused by people's belief that cell phone radiation causes health problems...a serious piece by some MIT neurobiologist paid to discuss how the misguided thinking that non ioning radiation is THAT dangerous can cause people suseptable to THAT KIND of thinking to literally combust spontaneously .."
Everything was up and running for a culling of the herd with Direct Energy weapons but first "the herd ' had to percive of the 'It Came From Outter Space " weapons as extraterstrial in nautre and design
One of the ideas to get around this "big stink "concerned finding ways to shifting the blame for this new form of demise away from the usual suspects to something supernatural in nature was a collective brain computer interface which would convince the masses aliens were practricing a form of telepathy upon them Already Proxy Pharma was developing Seppuku HCL for those who wanted an easy exist "Better Dead than Read " style.
Already on paper there were about 60 or more variations of staged elaborate
"War of the Worlds" scenarios to deflect a population's away from "earthbound restraints".
"War of the Worlds" scenarios to deflect a population's away from "earthbound restraints".
The absolutely peculiar state of corpses shot with direct energy weapons was otherworldly in itself
often the bodies of the human organism hit with Electromagnetic and Microwave based weapons shrank to only one meter in scale.
often the bodies of the human organism hit with Electromagnetic and Microwave based weapons shrank to only one meter in scale.
The general population was relatively unfamiliar with Psychotronic Weaponry because the weapons could be categorized as covert technology for "Homeland" and therefore there was little if any information about Direct Energy nor Psychotronic Weaponry used to incapacitate or obliterate a human organism's mind and or body in the mainstream media.
The downright bizarre nature of weapons that induced both aural and visual hallucinations as well synthesized emotional states that overrode the target's own brain signals upon essentially came pre- packaged as conspiracy theory -make believe.
Furthermore the use of these weapons on either test subjects or roustabouts who showed signs of neuro weapon injury
sounded crazy speaking about their symptoms as would anyone,
Furthermore the use of these weapons on either test subjects or roustabouts who showed signs of neuro weapon injury
sounded crazy speaking about their symptoms as would anyone,
Because of the unique and bizarre impact of these advanced technologies
these weapons if used on a large population
would be conceived of as supernatural
the population would buy anything
a leader of some kind might say was occurring
if someone said aliens have landed on TV
than aliens have landed in the collective mind
At first of course the public would believe the news anchors were pulling their leg but "not so much " as they say in Hollywood when they saw no commercial breaks and ready made footage of the panic at The Memfis Ohio Corndog Cook off.
these weapons if used on a large population
would be conceived of as supernatural
the population would buy anything
a leader of some kind might say was occurring
if someone said aliens have landed on TV
than aliens have landed in the collective mind
At first of course the public would believe the news anchors were pulling their leg but "not so much " as they say in Hollywood when they saw no commercial breaks and ready made footage of the panic at The Memfis Ohio Corndog Cook off.
the testing they did on various Subjects who spent (as predicted ) 24/7 online doing their Cassandra bit .SOS SOS.."this isn't a dream this is really happening"shtick
proved that nobody who was anybody gave a good goddamn in researching the limited information about this specific technology online nor off.
proved that nobody who was anybody gave a good goddamn in researching the limited information about this specific technology online nor off.
The targets were in fact hand picked to Scream online
as loud as they could so the powers that be could feel satisfied that test the social media was too saturated to cause either alarm nor protections.
as loud as they could so the powers that be could feel satisfied that test the social media was too saturated to cause either alarm nor protections.
" To---" IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE""Congressman Ken said belting down the last of his scotch ,snapping his fingers for the waiter .
'To Implausible Plausible Deniability " Warren said raising his glass.
"Some of the more religious among us have qualms with the mystical ramifications of something like a Technilogical Rapture ..Can you imagine Warren? These well adjusted men and women worried about Event Planning that messes with the masses belief systems they woorry might be cause for some future Cosmic Retribution ...Can you imagine ? "Congressman Ken said "The same damn people who had no qualms about perfecting Mind Decoding and Mind Augment technology now have concerns about going too far meessing with somne with some 'Living God "..wet blankets ...spoil sports
Of course this type can care less that the more adventurous of us of course might look forward to the spectacle.
Of course this type can care less that the more adventurous of us of course might look forward to the spectacle.
We'd film it of course,'Ken said stuffing another wad of bread in his mouth ".Parasol Pictures is already in pre -production..mind reading and 'telepathizing 'some of those asked to play Kevin McCarthy in the piece "It's all true ....' Invasion of the Body Snatchers" all over the's not working -all "Him Again" reactions and unfriending...not that there's damn thing anyone can do about it here about that guy in Austalia took a tank and started running over cell towers? Now there's a guy who realizes these days the sword means more than the pen..why these idiots think we got everyone and their mother typing at once..they deserve what they have coming ..if you ask me "
Can you see it ?," Ken shouted spreading his hands wide ..
"Cameramen in Tokyo,Paris,Stockholm ,Detroit all filming reaction shots... placed people 'extras"encouraging looting ,raping pillaging...
I spoke to Valerie Prentis last Christmas about Parasol Pictures
doing some nice lead ins the show will pay for itself
like any genuine film project
She spoke of .
scenarios being introduced weeks of even months ahead of the "event" we ,the audience that 's not literally turned into a pillar of salt could glean several character driven back stories in advance. of the foreseen conclusion ." Ken said .
Can you see it ?," Ken shouted spreading his hands wide ..
"Cameramen in Tokyo,Paris,Stockholm ,Detroit all filming reaction shots... placed people 'extras"encouraging looting ,raping pillaging...
I spoke to Valerie Prentis last Christmas about Parasol Pictures
doing some nice lead ins the show will pay for itself
like any genuine film project
She spoke of .
scenarios being introduced weeks of even months ahead of the "event" we ,the audience that 's not literally turned into a pillar of salt could glean several character driven back stories in advance. of the foreseen conclusion ." Ken said .
"If people as a species were a little more concerned not simply with themselves but the survival of their own species they might very well just self exit without the need of such an endeavor," Warren said , trying to appear neutral on the actual filming of the manufactured apocalypse.
Turning away from "a lead in " concerning the large cut of meat Ken had placed on his fork to the shredding of this food Warren would soon be given an open curtain front row to see Warren lowered his gaze hoping his continuation on the topic would make up for any eye contact
" If mankind were just a little less selfish and long sighted certainly convincing a mere 2/3 of the population that in terms of Crowd Control and the environment drastic measures must be taken . which so many of a certain type claim they care so damn much about should surely comprehend most developed nations agree that it has been a burden for some time now for the small minority whose job it is to manage the masses and "Redundancy..
Nobody can call anything ethnic cleansing when ethnicity means nothing in this weeding out entirely cross demophical .. the entire premise is based solely on utility and survival of our very species"
Turning away from "a lead in " concerning the large cut of meat Ken had placed on his fork to the shredding of this food Warren would soon be given an open curtain front row to see Warren lowered his gaze hoping his continuation on the topic would make up for any eye contact
" If mankind were just a little less selfish and long sighted certainly convincing a mere 2/3 of the population that in terms of Crowd Control and the environment drastic measures must be taken . which so many of a certain type claim they care so damn much about should surely comprehend most developed nations agree that it has been a burden for some time now for the small minority whose job it is to manage the masses and "Redundancy..
Nobody can call anything ethnic cleansing when ethnicity means nothing in this weeding out entirely cross demophical .. the entire premise is based solely on utility and survival of our very species"
"Some of the ideas of a staged invasion are still on the books but seemed a bit theatrical
to some fine statesmen who had a difficult time envisioning it's ease of implementation ." Ken said ignoring Warren glaring at the waiter who felt his part in their service was to spread good cheer
to some fine statesmen who had a difficult time envisioning it's ease of implementation ." Ken said ignoring Warren glaring at the waiter who felt his part in their service was to spread good cheer
"How is everybody doing ?' the waiter asked placing the men's drinks down carefully. As if a loud noise would be some kind of personal affront to them ,thought thinking for a moment how a real man placing a drink in front of man might sound.
but than again no "real man" worth the label "man" would be in position of placing drinks would they?
but than again no "real man" worth the label "man" would be in position of placing drinks would they?
Ken let his anger slide.In the near future if everything went as planned it would be a world of waiters and those waited upon.
The waiter left and Ken Wallinksi raised his glass , "To a Holographic Neuro -tronic Fire in the Sky .."
The waiter left and Ken Wallinksi raised his glass , "To a Holographic Neuro -tronic Fire in the Sky .."
"A Champagne Super Nova"Warren said hating when Ken got drunk,hoping someone at the other table heard the pig talking about things he had no business speaking about
"A CHAMPAGNE SUPER NOVA," Ken wailed and than Ken made a swooshing noise while moving his fist through the air as if it were a rocket
"Champagne Suuuuuper Nova
first insinuating itself on a large population as Voice of God BAM!
shimmering deep purple lights in the sky
green skies and Day the Earth Stood Still pyrotechnics BOOM!
"Champagne Suuuuuper Nova
first insinuating itself on a large population as Voice of God BAM!
shimmering deep purple lights in the sky
green skies and Day the Earth Stood Still pyrotechnics BOOM!
theoretically the entire
"end of days" event could begin and end with in a mere two hours world wide
and the 2/3 would no longer be a burden to The Ruling Class nor those
who could be most easily influenced to not ask any questions
when the dust had settled and the chem trails passed.
"end of days" event could begin and end with in a mere two hours world wide
and the 2/3 would no longer be a burden to The Ruling Class nor those
who could be most easily influenced to not ask any questions
when the dust had settled and the chem trails passed.
"to the Year One" Warren toasted.…/09/day-27-king-creole.html