Tuesday, August 25, 2015

MK Cultra 1954-1957 The File on Gary Rainy

…Agents of influence (Mentors) should aquire all categories of persons whose personal aims and desires fit nicely into what we want. Self help ,self guided  proclivities of "soul" correction outside of the Judeo -Christian organization would require an "Org" be established whose focus is on spiritualism and" a movement "away from traditional belief systems toward  a science -ideology rooted in Behaviorism. by now even the most 'common" folk are aware of  aspects of  Social Darwinism and ther idea of transformation through psycho-corrective "talk therapies" With a bit of encouragement and support an organization and a leader of such 'org'  can with tenants based upon "voice of God technology" and foreseen advanced technologies to control or "re align" the human organism by remote influence can not only  operate  entirely on their own but also have it's tenants slowly "leak out ' into the public 's mindset. primarily "the concept ' that entities based upon frequencies inherent in the electromagnetic spectrum "talk back " if one is Mentored to "re-attenuate ' their mind to "wireless influence" . As for establishing a science based self help/movement there are many  free agents who are more valuable to us if left to their own devices, and who would be insulted if we offered them any form of reward, or in any way suggested to them the exact "hows' to go with our "whys'. There are always some kindred spirits who need direction and backing and who don’t care where they get it. .

  The best way to influence the people is to confound the people  to use the populations fear and also belief in the unknown against them. If we keep certain technologies one can use upon peo0ple from the people and always in the realm of science fiction when this technology is used upon them it's source can by the technology's very nature can and will be taken for paranormal, mystical ,demonic angelic ,extra terrestrial .Anyone we test the technology put upon whom reveals the nature of their experience being technological has what they have coming to them as their "telling tales out of school" is the equivalent of telling another about a surprise party be fore the surprise party .  With one or perhaps two exceptions, however, we found it unnecessary to ‘plant’ Neuronautics whom we had recruited from outside the targets’ entourages and trained according to prescriptions of our own based on the targeted individual's predictive response based on their studied data concerning suspension of disbelieve ,religion etc. We shall use the targeted individual  to determine if we could replace their belief systems with a religion based upon  ambiguities not synonymous with the actuality of Voice of God technology  and eventually a working thought based interface focused upon the Target's perceptions ( primarily visual  and emotional ...) , and through them we could gather discrepancies based upon   our targets interfaced  information which might ruin the illusion that must seem to come literally not from technology but from on high.

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