Wednesday, April 29, 2015

2012-2015 (Fathers and Guns)

(1) spring  2012-Robert Holmes is scheduled to testify within the next few weeks before a US Senate panel on one of   the largest bank fraud scandal in world history .The London Interbank Offered Rate, known as Libor sets the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. HSBC has already been fined $1.9 billion and three of their low level traders arrested. Robert Holmes is known throughout the global banking community as being the creator of one of the most sophisticated computer algorithms ever developed .Robert Holmes ,Senior Lead Scientist at Fair Isaac has spent his entire life in the financial and credit services. Robert Holmes current position with FICO involves him handling Fraud. FICO is a company that gives credit scores to Businesses and individuals.
Peter Lanza , VP and Tax Director at GE Financial is also set to testify.
In the Libor scandal that rocked the banking world in June.

(2) Unlike Adam Lanza ,the shooter at Sandy Hook Elementary School  James Holmes had a number of links to institutions far removed from world finance , including the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, or what is commonly reoffered to as  DARPA.
James Holmes was one of six recipients of a National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver,a recently de-commissioned site of the U.S. Army’s Fitzsimons Army Medical Center .”
Holmes also worked as a research assistant intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. The Salk Institute teamed up with DARPA, Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University.
The DARPA program was part of the military’s “Peak Soldier Performance Program,” which involved engineering brain-machine interfaces  to develop “neural networks” that enable machines to translate aural and visual stimuli and simulate human thinking.
Stewart Brand ,board member of the Long Now Foundation, along with David Eagleman, worked with James Eagan Holmes,  Stewart
Brand, was a key agent of MK-Ultra, who downplayed concerns that the Cybernetics Group's plan of developing the "personal computer" was aimed at creating Big Brother, by marketing it as a tool to empower the masses.

David Eagleman, recently wrote Why The Net Matters: How the Internet Will Save Civilization, which Brand referred to as a "breakthrough work."

According to both Brand and Eagleman  Holmes was an extremely brilliant young man who both encouraged to study neuroscience, a field closely associated with mind assuagement .
Holmes was encouraged to focus his attentions on the study of Reversal of Temporal Order Judgment, a subject which Eagleman specialized in.
David Eagleman, a neuro-scientist and writer at Baylor College of Medicine and Guggenheim Fellow , a  council member in the World Economic Forum, and a New York Times bestselling author published in 27 languages was and is  particularly interested in people's subjective interpretations of reality. Eagleman had done  numerous experimental findings  to suggest that people's perception of time can be manipulated by repeated exposure to non-simultaneous stimuli. In an experiment conducted by Eagleman, a temporal order judgment reversal could be induced in subjects by exposing them to delayed motor consequences. Eagleman wrote that his long-range goal was "to understand how neural signals processed by different brain regions come together for a temporally unified picture of the world."

According to University of California, Riverside (UCR) recommendation letters submitted to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Holmes graduated in the top 1% of his class with a 3.949 GPA. The UCR letters  described Holmes as "a very effective group leader'' and a person who "took an active role in his education, and brought  a great amount of intellectual and emotional maturity into the classroom." "James received excellent evaluations from the professors and graduate students with whom he worked and was mentored."

In June 2011, Holmes enrolled as a PhD student in neuroscience at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora. He received a $21,600 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH, a biomedical research facility primarily located in Bethesda, Maryland. An agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, NIH is the primary agency of the United States government responsible for biomedical and health-related research.

Holmes also received a $5,000 stipend from the University of Colorado, Denver. The letter accepting Holmes into the program read, "Your personal and professional qualities are truly outstanding," and "you will be an excellent match for our program." At least two researchers were vying for Holmes to join their laboratories, and the school offered him a stipend $22,600 per year and free tuition. Though Holmes received a letter of acceptance to UIUC, where he was offered the $22,600 stipend and free tuition, he declined their offer without specifying a reason.

"There's something about that video that was taken  of James  speaking of mentors and neuroscience "that doesn't say perpetrator .There is something in that video that says Target. Something about him that would provoke a certain type to want to hurt ,a challenge was James Holmes to them .Look at the video again ,which depicts James Holmes before "his so called mentoring as  "the type of  innocence, pure stupid open innocence .." that to one in the profession of Mind Manipulation says " challenge me ...see ,if you can take this part of me away from me. And they did..." (name withheld upon request )



to cause to combine or coalesce; unite.
to combine, blend, or unite gradually so as to blur the individuality or individual identity of:

Neuroprosthetics (also called neural prosthetics) is a discipline related to neuroscience and biomedical engineering concerned with developing neural prostheses. They are sometimes contrasted with a brain–computer interface which connects the brain to a computer rather than a device meant to replace missing biological functionality.
Neural prostheses are a series of devices that can substitute a motor, sensory or cognitive modality that might have been damaged as a result of an injury or a disease or be used to enhance one's temporal function.
These implantable devices are also commonly used in animal experimentation as a tool to aid neuroscientists in developing a greater understanding of the brain and its functioning. In wirelessly monitoring the brain's electrical signals sent out by electrodes implanted in the subject's brain, the subject can be studied without the device affecting the results unless an animal or human organism has been made participant in a 2 way exchange of electrical/bioelectrical signal.

"The translation of neural signals is one of the most significant challenges in neuroscience,.as it is important that the subject is unaware of the study nor the source of their " communion" we have developed an implantable microscale brain interface device based upon microfluidic technology."-

          -H. Takehara, A. Nagaoka, J. Noguchi, T.Akagi, H. Kasai and T. Ichiki: "Brain interface device with permeable hydrogel membrane for in vivo analysis of neural cells" 2011 Int. Conf. Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2011). (20110900). Aichi, Japan


Cole : 2 years and 3 months,13 days

Psycho-physical damage 
Stage I.
  • Electromagnetic
  • Microwave
    ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) 
  • Directed Energy 
  • Acoustic 
  • Psychotronic
  • RF (Radio Frequency) 
*semi-paralysis  in the area of the beginning of the spinal column
* irregular sleeping, heart-beating
* numbness of the hands; at night, cramping of the legs,dystonia,myclonus
* pressure, coolness of the skin
* feelings of non-specific fear and panic ] tremors,
* changes in the blood (early signs)

* prickly sensations, tremors to the muscles of the feet

* auditory tones of various frequencies
* sharp pain in the internal ear
* dull pains in the area behind the ears
* internal trembling, vibrations
* head pain in the temple and a warmness in that area, pain in the eye-sockets

Stage II.

* "radio-sound" effect (before this is long-conducted the resonance-loosening of spinal and brain fluids at the frequency of 2-10 Hz. for maintaining the fluids of the skull and brain in stimulation
* steady reactions to all aspects of coding
* lowering of energy (observed with irradiation at the frequency carrying frequencies of ~780 Hz.and amplitude modulation ~71 Hz.)
* aggravation of dermatosis
* eye pains (cataracts, asymmetry in lenses of the eyes, puffiness the retinas )
* aggravation of the course of chronic illnesses
* destruction of the functions of the kidneys, liver, organs of digestion, circulatory system, bleeding in gingival, gums, periodontal and others
* gauntness
* "sand" in the eyes, burning sensation, loss of hair, brittleness of nails
* compression pain in the heart fits of coughing
* changes of the color of the face (bronze shading of the skin)
* asymmetrical puffiness of the face
* disfiguration of the face, the intentional emaciation of separate muscles, cartilage
* syndromes of destruction to the external nerves of the thighs
* impotence

Stage III.

* destruction of the brain, irreversible changes to the structure of the brain (academician V.P. Vekhtereva)
* irreversible processes in the muscle material, in the bones of the skull, and in the structures of neurons "..minimization of life" --external reaction to EMP appears as an illness, up to heavy, sharp, chronic, organic pathological processes (academician V.P. Kaznacheev)

* functioning of the hormonal system 
* [....] Parkinsonian symptoms disease (trembling of the hands) 
* allergies
* epilepsy (especially caused by the multiple-rapid stimulation by a weak, low frequency waves)

Damage in the mental sphere
Stage I.

* manifestations of depression
* lowering in the interest in perceived information
* shortness of temper (irritability)

Stage II.

* steady depression
* lowering of abilities for analytical thinking, some worsening of the memory
* symptoms of chronic fatigue
* superficial nature of sleep
* higher incidents of conflicts

Stage III.

* confusion in the accounting of events in real life
* loss of ability for analytical thinking
* lowering and a loss of memory
* feelings of the lack of sleep
* indifference to personal external appearance [...]
* lowering of self-control
* suicide (as the experimenters "practice" provocation techniques)
* "...their ignoring that they are carrying with them a deadly danger"... "...people simply start going crazy and nobody understands why..." (academician V.P. Kaznacheev)

(in the book by Ju. Vorob'evskii" Knock at the Golden Gate, Moscow, 1999.

Manipulation with the memory.

* Erasure
* Blockage
* Recording of information needed by the experimenter
* training -"prompting" 
* comparison,

* a shifting of the effective frequency up to 100 Hz. or a lowering to 5 Hz., with memory loss

Control of Stimulation in the brain.

* by states of consciousness (up to the loss of these)
* in sleep
* emotions
* intellectual capabilities
* attention
* speech
* activeness
* muscle tone
* stimulation of one and the same zone with stimulations of:
o 30 -40 mV- activation of attention, memory, movement;
o 60-70 mV- "emotiono-genic" effects


wild signals/drone psychs

I read there are some people ..that are the wireless ..the direct energy ,the waves that huge towers placed all over the city. All over the suburbs. All over the country. All up there in "the heavens "
yeah --allergic
to wireless...stuff you can't even fuckin' see....these people claim they like FEEL
all inside them..

these people
this type
they fight "city hall" and write magistrates..
when I think of these people..who write congressman about cell towers..and that stuff you can't even see
hurts them somehow..makes them tingle...or feel somehow altered
I sort of think like you dear reader.
about folks like me

hysterics..possibly with under lying "issues"

if I were a shrink I would quickly "move the patient " /"the client" who came to see me about such nonsense
away from their

unfounded fears

to                 "the usual suspects"of their underlying issues
that might have presented as somatic
--------I would ask about their relationships.
                      their childhood.
but what THEY THINK they have come to see me about


I would be thinking listening to the "wacko" drone on,while I keep my visage a practiced shade of neutral --

                      .. .if they were really absolutely assured that their physical "manifestations"
                  were caused by
            electromagnetics ,waves,wireless,beams and pulses
they shouldn't have come to a shrink
          but rather ..I don't know
visited AT and T ..or some such shine -o -la
 and yap at  underling with no power ..whose job  it is "to smile like he means it" as you go on about  -------the infrastructure .
             _ we._
            ......  I mean
     have built.......
      the towers.
           the satellites.
       the gadgets------------------- we must all have strapped to our heads..our wrists..
these "can't live without devices "
      that we keep so close to out biological systems
(out bodies..our ears mouths,cheeks -- .brains)

I would write them a prescription ...begrudgingly.
(letting them see the Begrudge on my face..change just a morsal
so....they might see best 'I am doing them  -a real real favor writing them a script for Xanex..
instead of placing them immediately on some "new antidepressant ..(.based on the very same exact chemical structure  with a few tweaks here and there  -of Prozac-- from way back yonder in 1983)

word on high was that ketamine was supposed to be the New Drug of choice and genuine change
of the Moody amongst us

but this was before Biotech
hatched a new idea concerning drug delivery.
that has everything to do with nano biologicals getting
 right up in there..
....not through all the crash boom bang a "stomach" does to
Hard Core Happy Pills

using instead for transport  the cleaner plasmatics  of  your blood stream
with shit so teeny tiny just can rub it on your skin..breath it through an inhaler...

 The new "format" of drug delivery systems...already is str8 to brain
(as they say in Paris dear reader -"Look it the fuck up")

someone ...had a swellagant idea...
to go further
than "just using " the new nano scales delivery TARGET areas in the brain once a rather hit or miss endeavor
UNLESS one "really" had some cartoon version of how Zoloft supposedly such an exacting manner.

the swellababt idea? was actually based
on a type of Pharmacology that really has no name
not really....not quite yet
 based a lot on various Mind Messing techniques
done decades ago...
by "Mad Scientists" using electrodes and direct energy on so called "throw away " people
who made the mistake of
seeking psychological help from noted Shloctors - like Ewen Cameron (and friends famous for being
the ones who put the Menegele in the M
 of  MK ULTRA)

 Ketamine which was meant to be "das new anti -depressant "..would not be sent to the actually bloodstream
to a generous sprinkiling of Merge Bio dreck
you paid for ..first only as
a kind of modem
to receive
Ketamine signals
straight to your noggin' via Service Provider
including the folks I used to work for ..namely Merge Proxy Cybernetics..
supposedly I was fired for having some kinda' attitude problem
the kunts only hired me cause I was autisitic you see.
and supposedly have a different "take" on ---Things
so what the fuck my attitude had to do with me getting sacked
is beyond my Autistic Spectrum

but there's a glean of hope.
I can move back to LA
and do the work I was meant to do

Merge the World!
but till I get back to where I am supposed to be
I will write about the turncoats
suddenly thought of me as a turncoat

the point me and my "team ' of associates were supposed to
make not sound  creeeeeeeepy
is introducing
nano particles to folks like you who WANT and DESIRE a more
extra sensory experience out of life

you kinda' know you do...
but kinda' don't know how possible it is...
the reason you watch movies is cause you want someone else..some director ...some story to take you outtta ' your reality
and into theirs
the reason you smoke a joint ,drink a beer.,do some blow is cause you want
to alter your brain signal

now...Merge Bio tech does all that stuff..
but it costs a bit of dough
and also requires you be maybe a bit more "open minded" than you might sorta' be willing to be...

(2)   you can't see a new way...hear a new way let alone feel a New Way without getting
Merge Bio Tech
permanently bonded to your neural tissue

that's what me and my associates were supposed to
find a way
of explaining
to potential consumers without like really saying this...

you dear reader ARE a potential consumer.
I reckon part of my job was to type see what a social media
user ............consumer ...might read..
hell If I know.
I don't know why I write most of what I do...
it's as if someone put a few "apps" in my brain and pushed a button bro'
if you want to be metaphorical concerning the meta data one collects
taking note of what posts you think "read" true
that might "read" too true has become a bit of a problem......
was not in my best interest to "go out side the lines"

and moreso..
information on

 pack of movie directors in LA

and a little Game
they play
and some lawsuits brought and dismissed or settled
concerning "owning another young lad"
I pay dearly for
my ...focusing now on genuine threads that might weave bits of my "story"
I was "found " in LA in my early 20's and also had a gun shoved into my mouth by "Industry" types.
and told
Young Guys.get places "in this town' (Los Angeles)
only IF
"they do what they should"
with guys quite a bit older..
and IF they do not ...IF they think they're too good for "it"

oooooh how you will pay......
....................................................and OOOOOOH how I have ....
(I write little about 1994..
                            and what "my team " ..unleashed upon my was not "apps"
it was in retrospect
Silent Sound ..and Direct Energy..
synthetic madness.
it took years and years to recover from 1994
whatever reputation I had in Philly as "just this guy"--this guy who always drew pictures at the bar..
was now ..isn't that the crazy guy
from Pine St.?1022 Pine Street..........OOOOOOh the Places JIMMY You will GO!....)

like a fool I went back to LA
in 2011
something else had been developed..
that went quite beyond what was available decades before..
if only I had not gone back...
might I have never been "Upgraded"to this form of degradation that "does not read"...

how can one explain literally BEING POSSESSED by another ...
or how much those who were profiled...
to be able to
Man another Man...
and perform test after test to break that man
into Drone

the reason I  was sent back east to "be put threw more damn stories than Wiley Coyote
or mandler to mind
was cuz' they knew
in advance
Your Fool -ie here
would type and type and type
hoping SOMEONE would
say "hmmm well he sure does seem schizophrenic but there be a shadow of a doubt none the least
but in retro-spects
I kinda' think
they just wanted to discover what entries
a reader (like you) might respond to

to get me some demographic;;;;kinda' sneak y yes..but don't ask me..
about Proxy Cybernetic's ethics buddy
I just work here
I am "worked upon " minute to minute"
so there is less and less of me "mentally,emotionally  etc...except ONLY the CUES
and associations hardwired into my younger days.
iNGRANS.IMPRINTS...even knowing about this modality still
can't shake "it"..or they shake you..
they have already taken you
but need to show you your place again and again...
that you are ONLY a Test Subject..

to get me a Hinkling of what spiel you respond to-
which one's you write

"have another drink wacko.."

"go smoke some more crack faggit"
(oh and you have nooo idea what that specific response does to me...does for me..concerning my "daily affirmations" that
I can do whatever the fuck I want long as it's for my work..)

 they said hmmm bout; you come up with like all kinda worse case scenarios
concerning people be reluctant to "go subdermal"
to get "app-ed" with Merge
 supposedly if The worst case scenarios are presented in traditional tv and film ..
than the public
becomes saturated
with these scenarios

and this way
all the worst case scenarios become
"science fiction"
like a chip in one's tooth filling style.

or something like that..

"Brain Computer Interface ,"
Valerie Prentis said at one of the meetings
"doesn't sound like something i'd buy someone for a bridal shower..

Merge does.

but how?<" she asked ,in that way that teachers like ask questions but don't
or want you to respond
which I always thought was wrong just dead on wrong...

I see Valerie peeping at me like some fuckin' camera in a elevator waiting for "Mista' Dumbo" to put his hand up
Valerie goes on
-answering her own question...

saying,,"How  does one describe Merge ? without talking about the "eeew" factor of Merge and how biotech has to attach itself to brain cells ?....One focuses ONLY on the fact thagt without the  'so call-ed"addendum to one's circuitry one misses out
the product ...specifically the Ketamine Signals
that Merge has a patent on concerning this specific...signal based upon
 "how one feels on Ketamine" for about 5 years.....

it was our Job to explain
straight to the Merge Bio Tech

"plays" like a music box  does
like an IBM punch card a played piano does
 signal sequence like .. upon one's neurons..
like one's neurons and dendrites

our first campaign
featured a story board of a  hhhhhhhuge orchestra...all kinds of musicians with all kinds of musical instruments...
playing all wrong
until a conductor comes to the pulpit

it was my idea

"and Valeire ,'says to me ,in front of everyone,"So the conductor I suppose represents a Pre programmed signal?..and the muscians represent ..I suppose ...brain be orchestrated by ONE conductor's
magic spell of Thinking..

"Yes," I say

"sorta Jimmy like a dictator might orchestrate a totalitarian nation to ONE format of Group Thought" she sighed....

tearing the storyboard in half..

"thank you very much for both wasting YOUR and OUR's time once again Jimmy.."

without thinking I said something under my breath
that I believe started
a chain of events ...
many of which I have recounted here..

"People already have their own orchestra..and unless I am mistaken Merge Proxy Cyber is not "going the medical route" but ONLY is promoting Merge for enhancement of  Millennials making over 300k a year....
People JIMMY who have demonstrated quite, quite well their own orchestra of brain signals is Peeeerdy damn much "in tune"huh..?

Valerie bent down right in front of me.
looking me right in the eye...
"all I need you to do to explain to the rich kids ten times smarter than you DUMBO!
that they
 can't get the ketamine signal without Merge bio tech
not some moronic HICK HACK
demonstrative .....of mind as Music Hall!"

you need to Get Merge
not only for
the signal of K
but for the signal of MDMA,DMT and a pretty wild signal  sequence that triggers Oxytocin (the empathy hormone) into Brain Computer or Mind to mind MIND FUCK
 you "want to go somewhere.. romantic  .

it .
was just getting to me
that eeewww factor ....and I guess it showed to 'my team"...

 my job '
 storyboarding at Parasol Pictures. for the new format of Tv that skips right over the bullshit that is holographic Tv and goes
straight to cortex
.....for a more interactive experience....

was over...

I was fired.
have you not noticed "the dis' of DISGRUNTLED in my jottings dear friend?
for feeling a bit squeamish about
straight to cortex
that not only used nano bio tech to put stuff into thy head but yank stuff out ...
how else you gonna' genuinely interact with TV
when a pupil /thermal/facial recog scan ...just ain't enuf...

saying my peace the 8th floor of Merge Proxy Cyber.
(that nobody really understands ...that interactive virtual reality based on one's own experience is
NOT worth the price of the  experience'''

OH ,Valerie Prentis said,Is that to be our catch phrase? jim? Interactive VR is NOT worth the Price of the Experience ?)

my final words to Valerie were something like "Hey I thought I was to present the worst case scenarios of Merge bio tech...and BCI not have to hock the product.."

"Oh don't worry will"she said...

I was given a small bit of severance pay
and given a bit more than that....


 I was 'app-ed"


I think about the people who believe their bodies.
their nervous systems are being somehow injured..somehow ..pulverized by
living "too close ' to a cell tower...
or some kind of direct energy device

and all I can think of
"how they don't seem fun"
how they wouldn't be fun to party with

AND I see  a brite yellow smile-ly face
seemingly out of nowhere

sent 'by ---wireless straight to the Merge spiked  me with
the " Goodbye Stranger " party they had for me
on my last day of work

the smiley face means -FINALLY... I am thinking- the right way
about the New Way
and might soon
be able to
get my old job back


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

face .off

I am not supposed to write
unless I am "in synch " with them
                     but I do anyway...
I can't help it.
                               I don't know why.,,and they don't really care if I don't know why..

the jist is.                             .i am presented all these "packs" of information

         like I am some player piano..or something what these stories PLAY upon me..
what ideas ..non vocalized but intrinsic ideas .. that "come to foam" at that top of what used to be mind alone..
to a way how a song
(an idea)\
is COVERED, a musician given a fixed set of notes...

 they"play stories through me" like I am some projector they can see what "shines' out on some screen .after it's been  process by my mind
like the little cogs in my mind are like spools for their film to attach to and see what my cogs do with a specific input
that's wrong..just plain wrong wrong
although it did work
 believe it or not with paintings..
but than they said
no more painting.
from now on we think each other paintings..which used to be cool but now i'm like I wonder where these thought paintings went ?
cuz a big mind they're MINE
I 'm gonna have to start painting even if they go "spooky" on me
 I need money man..
and I used to make some dough painting
with or without
the interface I did Ok

but they say money always I will be taken care of by XXXX
or the next"placed guy" they send along to be my "handler"/boyfriend
never do I get 'adult like money"
maybe I do but they know I don't have like 'adult like thinking"
cuz' the literally made sure I was told I would always be
a bit dim ..or overwhelmed by
"everyday stuff NORMAL grown ups have to do ..well//to be Grown Ups
Tru Christie gloats about how"wiring" when I was young was deliberately
discombobulated so I can't no matter what ever be..
really "Here'
really "present"
always I would be far away....
and appear this way
I was made ONLY to communicate
via Brain Interface
and "why I resist" is beyond them
why I want to be like other people
who aren't "talking to Harvey" all day...amuses them
Christ oh mighty sometime s I just want to be dead ..than be lorded over by
Mandlers..or XXXX and all the XXXXs that came before and might's always the same
I am always this little boy
when I am 60 I just know I will still be a little boy to Mandlers
but I know I won't live that long

if you haven't gotten the Glean
this isn't really working for me
I want out.

 part of the I am "set up"with their guys
their guys .
who know how I was raised...
and what little "tricks ' to use to make me .."Be" a certain way..

I am not always called Dumbo
it's often Damien
or Dex
or Wes...

it's always been like that..
growing up as well
at one foster home
I was called wes
at another I was damian
they knew that wasn't the name I was called..but they could care less.

I hate all of them now.
and so would you---------------

I am beginning to hate XXXX..
 he said I am letting every body down
by shoving Benzos in my mouth because I am a wuss...
and can't take the
but since I am supposed to have freewill (to a point) I can seek whatever pills I want..
                   I stopped smoking crack or snorting meth..
             but this never lasts long.

cause man!!!! if your 5 senses were co-opted by some maniacs ..
trust me !!!!
living isn't such a fun experience and the last thing you care about is staying too sober
all day long they throw images up in me
scary nasty ones..
it's worse than the hearing which you can sorta block with a white noise machine
they treat me like I am a six year old.
they have no respect for me.
they do not think of me as an adult who wants ...wanted adult life.
I never had adult life
all my life I have been kept by men
their men...----

I am pretty sure other companies ...doing the same stuff
have different tactics
I want a new team
I can take the interfacing but NOT with them
it will never ever be worked out
too much is under the bridge

they can't though

because I know too much how their  operating system works

and of course- I will think it- to another company who also is in the "app" game...and supposedly  they're just dying to supposedly find
Proxy's using operating systems not their own
to steal their methods

or THIS is some of the babyish jive they feed me
they skip trace the bandwidth constantly
  concerning the interface...
from medical radio frequency (like with pacemakers) to the old wave stv used to "run on" before all TV went digity

my transmit and their transference is all over the electromagnetic spectrum
if it wasn't
anyone with an emotive headset and some smarts could tune in



so there's a reason they kill us off
because they have no choice..

{on a different topic..I just re- watched the movie "The Cell."
with Jennifer Lopez
...and was like WTF
this chick
'has just gone all upside wacko man 's brain(Vincent d'nafrio_
and next?
intends and succeeds  going  mind to mind
with some little boy
? and not a bit of wacky man in her mind is gonna seep into this kid she's now gonna go mind to mind with's head...
excuuuuse me?
How the fuck is this possible...?huh

it's always
 for one 's ENTIRE life
has to be

......................we will rip your face off...if you continue with this type of  writing----------------

go ahead I graph

one of my foster fathers who I had to call uncle
was in Vietnam
and used to show me
these sick sick scary scary photos of this helicopter...and a man standing near the helipoter
than a second picture of the man
who is like "take by the helicopter's wings"
and the third picture was always of the man ....with out a face now
on the ground
...I was like 7 when or 6 ..or even 5 when he showed me these pictures.
he used to always say
THIS is what happens to people when they feel they must stick there noses into things they have no business sticking their noses in
it didn't really make sense at the time to me
because it wasn't just the man's nose missing but like his entire face
and everytime he showed me these pictures I looked really really close to see if ONLY his nose was either missing or still somewhere on his removed face..
I hated looking at the pictures but ...was now trying to understand why my "uncle" only said a man's nose should never go stick into places...
instead of
"now damian ...this is what happens when someone sticks their FACE into things they have no business sticking their FACE into

..........i used to think this kinda' rip you apart unit 731 style was
JUST so I'd have all this schizophrenic muble jumble
to "cover my tracks"
cause they say(the Madlers) you can't just "present" primary symptoms (or ever mention you see the visuals talk..cuase in real schizophrenia the visual hallucinations are always separate from the aural..
so in case you dear reader are gonna  go an dtry to convince welfare office or ssi dude you be wacko...never
ever say your hear things and see shit
like you might some hologram at Coachella.)
they say you must present the secondary traits of schizophrenia
.....strange delusions the "facetaker-ish"vien

that's why I thought 'The Facetaker" became part of the stories
(and also cuz' they don't like Proxy lookin' in the mirror////for the same reason they don't like proxy ruminating too much ..or thinking inward

                                                    but they assure me "The Facetaker" ain't just a rundown or                                                
    no threshold test

-----------we're gonna rip your face off ...if you this manner of writing..

so I graph
so what..? so what can I do about it?
dude you liked primed me for this
final destination shit for years
I have "faceless" torn apart ..skinned alive...spoooooooky spook
 hardwired all  in me...
do it
kill me..
or keep me alive as" mr facelessman'
it might be better than this shit...
besides Evan had graphed regardless  they will eventually  do this to me eventually to get a pain read...

for pain reads are
                        Priceless. In the Neural Acquisition Filed

this is one reason two years ago
every other day
 I was ...scouting out overpasses and
cutting myself with razor blades to

"prove I could do what I would have to do.."i wasn't suicidal but petrified ..petrified they'd do what they threatened ...put me in some little van and zoom me away to the 'Saw 1 ,2 and 3" in some hidden scary scary room with like tiles all over the walls and floor ...and some shiny gurney and you know what I mean
I mean dude every other movie has this shit going on
it's like baked into our national conscious what happens when a van takes you away ...

now .
well now I am sorta' convinced if they do their Final Destination
hack hack wack...cut you up boi stuff
I will be in so much fuckin pain I will reach reach reach to the very heavens for solace
and bring upon the world
some day of the triffids payback shit..

childish ,magical thinking ...yes..
how else can I take these threats/promises..with out smoking crack,snorting heroin or wandering around over passes..trying to strum up the will to jump huh?

so let's get this str8 even when my Mentors via Merge are "cool" with me'''''always always
is the facetaker..

compo cola/bimbombay: Indis O 'Say's" The Facetaker"
Jun 1, 2014 - I feel I must continue with the FACETAKER,the novelization of the horrible film being publicized. On the side of every bus,wall and billboard
You visited this page on 4/22/15.
  • compo cola/bimbombay: facetaker (cont)/..and the story was ...
    May 13, 2014 - movie already in production of "The Facetaker" that Parasol Pictures "decreed" he write as a novelization... as Valerie Prentis had stated.
  • Parasol Picture's presents"The Facetaker" - compo cola ...
    Jul 26, 2014 - Cole wakes up sweating. The dream again of the Facetaker this time the dream is different it intertwines itself into another film

  • (2) recurring problem that I remember way to much about the threshold tests that were done to me..
    but to them this is taken as some weakness of character and some "roll with it ' spirit ...
    that was years ago man...
    there's a reason people sue other people for damages..
    I want nothing more than a day in court..
    not being able to
    get one

    I must now settle on
    attempting to "FIND something" of value in this mind fuck
    a book ...
    a novel..
    no more documenting...
    I want what is owed me
    what is owed everyone they have done this too...
    I know how much money is in this..

    let me explain something.
    how I must live because is..
    an dhow it is completely the opposite of what I wanted..and needed...
    I wanted to be able to travel..
    but this I cannot do...for 2 reasons
    .a.everywhere I go I take THEM
    and when I am completely alone ..for instance in a hotel room
    to take advantage of my being "a stranger in a strange hotel room"
    by pumping up the volume
    by switching the "new milieu" to

    Here's Guy in solitary
    Here's a condition that can be "made" correspondent to
    a prisoner's might.

    let's see what rundown might
    fit the scene

    never mind THE SCENE is a guy who JUST wanted to move around the southwest..and draw little pictures of cacti..and shit...?

    b.they send their little Teams around to interact with Pinnochio /Joe 90/human telephone man
    to "play with me"
    to go "Truman show" on me ...

    so -here I am.. trapped with XXXX
    who was set up with me make sure I
    wrote only when I was supposed to and did drugs and stuff ONLY when some client back at homebase wanted to get 'a read"

    XXXX knows all the CUES and stuff I grew up with and it is his job to
    Bring me in and out of fugues
    by "saying certain things"
    and stuff like that ..

    now..i wasn't really ever supposed to know about the Neuro programming or the cues

    or that I was brought up to disassociate .."on cue"
    now you'd think once a person KNOWS this they can no longer be ..
    or cue-ed
    but they can because
    because I knew more than I should have
    a signal overlay is placed upon me that forces me ...via alterations in signals...brain signals
    to constantly be reset and reset..

    so Tru Christie graphs,'You thought you were being so smart...didn't you? researching Monarch programiing and all that ..and NOW you really made yourself a puppet...didn't you?

    and that Facetaker stuff
    don't you ever believe that story was presented to you
    except so you will "see it coming"

    CONCERNING  the subject's new tactic's  reintroducing of  tradecraft  pertaining to subject's experience with back-and-forth psychotronic communication via audio and visual cortex .
    CONCERNING-Denny Pace's failure to cease and desist writing "journals"(fictional or stylized as non fictional) to debunk the painstakingly created data concerning "alibi" (concerning the subject's mental state and therefore credibility as a reliable source)... .The subject once eager to help mask evidence of Human Experimentation with "old reliable "explanations of his predicament concerning hearing ,sensing and seeing things because the subject is and was unstable emotionally seems to no longer be useful to the subject who now seeks transparency concerning his participation in helping his team advance - Advanced Technologies .The participant ,once malleable is now increasingly problematic , doing all he can to diminish plausible deniability ..I feel whatever 'unspoken agreement" that was made with Mr. Pace ,concerning his civic duty to "fall back " on mutually agreed diagnostics are now purposely being undone by Denny Pace who is seems to assume by speaking up about his participation might END his participation.(in his own words"he is being used as a Guinea Pig might be") is leaving us little choice but to take certain actions for the sake of the discretion needed to proceed with aquisition of more Human Subjects

    CONCERNING - subject's new tactic's concerning reintroducing tradecraft  pertaining to subject's experience with  back-and-forth psychotronic communication via  audio and visual cortex .
    -Dumbo's failure to cease and desist  writing  "journals" to debunk  painstaking created paper trail/  meta data (concerning the subject's mental state and credibility as a reliable source .The subject once eager  to help  mask evidence of  Human Experimentation with "old reliable "explanations of his predicament hearing ,sensing and seeing things no longer "is of interest " to subject who desires more and more control of the interface. The subject now believes it is his duty to provide transparency to the project .When subject is reminded he "went along " with helping his team create an alibi for his "entranced state " by doing the legwork to convince the medical community he was not "app-ed" but simply emotionally unstable or at the very least a junkie .The participant finds these "hard won" explanations for subject's jerky movements ,wandering eyes and "mesmerized" stances no longer necessary...claiming he "can hide it" without explanation(yet he hides nothing ,as many observers ,thankfully from our team ,have commented) furthermore "he hides nothing" online..subject claims his reasons for wanting transparency concern A.I being used as a weapon ,which must be banned but demands more and more via Merge that he wants more and more visual,aural and haptic play with his Mentors ON HIS OWN terms

    Discrete straight to cortex communications infrastructure implementation is a key priority area of potential uses  to be achieved through  Remote Neural Monitoring and Human Computer Interface for Neural Networking  based on Brain Map and filtering system of  interfaced information through a variety of Thought Styles in order to pre-determine standards, guidelines and content of televised broadcast . Brain Map studies and the insertion of discrete biological sensors is just one tenant of Proxy Cybernetic's dedication to provide industries with pertinent neural non biased non vocalized   information to guide standardization of product inducement ,product placement and advertising strategies toward both conscious and subconscious aspects of a Target consumer.. The outcome of Mind Mining  surveys concerning cognitive ,sensory and emotion based automatic  cerebral response will be a repository of "lessons learned" from operations that Proxy Cyber has  undertaken. We welcome YOU to partake of the new  communications infrastructure that removes  the limitations  of only introducing sensory  information towards the limitations of traditional persuasive techniques aimed ONLY at the  consumer's eyes and ears instead focuses on a New Mode of introducing information directly to the potential consumer's cortex . 

    The Blob Scene 6 (continued)

    2)Sherman  and Harriet (Julius and Ethel Cohen)were not good people but them agreeing to raise  other people's children MADE THEM GOOD CANDIDATES" for  Human Testing ..As THE  in Human Engineering  required aspects of  Ritualized Abuse as part of Sociological Studies   and as raw material for other  Studies they could otherwise not have practiced in less Progressive "Communities" Communities who  could not see the "big Picture" nor the The Greater Good benefits of certain measures.
    in The Community Theater  having a Cruel Heart or Mind  wasn't necessarily a bad thing
                                                 just so long as it was a true thing.....
    The only thing that mattered in The Community Theater was if you were True to Your Basic Nature
    ...meaning you did not beg some puffy cloud in the sky or some water spot on the church ceiling to come down and change you into some variety of Jesus or Mary ...nor Abraham ,Martin or John..

    Many of the teachings of Gary Rainy  were used as but a armature* to Reverend Reeses's Community Theater  ...Reverend Resse agreed with many but not all of Gary Rainy 's ideology of  the necessity of a "tribe" having"  a bee hive mentality toward existence
    explaining a bee who find's it's true nature buzzing around flowers gleaning nectar
    is not the type of bee who's main function in the tribe would be  to protect the hive killing any predator that assumed it could dominate and destroy the brood.

    Reverend Resse  explained that the Community Theater's desire to enforce  participation toward" Group Think "exercises was not ,according to Reese to get everyone thinking as he did....but  so the methods' that Reese and thus The Community Theater had  used to BECOME  his TRUE NATURE could be learned by all...

     and than Purposed to and for the group's stability.
    Only when a member according to Rainy got his head out of the skies might he Become what his true nature intended him to become....A Richman?A Beggarman?A Poor Man?,A Thief?..
    and  once assured of their Basic Nature  may offer up these skills to the Group so they  might be in some ways  be modified to serve functions within the "Cause".

    Than and only than could a member take his place in the Movement ,and take a post geared to whatever their TRUE NATURE best served  the organization.

    A poor man or woman may think there" lack of "might be of no benefit to The Community Theater...why they might assume their inability to pay for courses, for instance might leave them watching from outside of "church windows". is not the case.not one bit
    A poor man or woman has much to offer The Community The Poorman know how to scrimp by, often cheat or lie their way out of whatever Laws of Ownership the Ruiners outside our agency have decided ,for us is the acme of existence..

    a poor man or woman might also not be AFRAID to use their:"lack of-ness "to do things others might not to bring members and "alms" to the church, things  someone whose basic nature is staid might not...
    Often a Poor man or  Poor woman learns to enjoy the "Wilder Side of Life" and thus ,excuse me, Staid ones , wouldn't "have a problem" turning tricks,shooting porn or selling dope to bring in  financial reserves AND CONNECTIONS  that without "our wilder ones" we might not have access to.
    A Beggar man too has attributes a Group such  as this needs...Begging is a tradition as old as time but some people won't beg...won't ask a stranger or parent ...or  a relative for money because we have been taught doing so is beneath our pride...A beggar has no such false beliefs...and might teach ALL of us how to LOSE some of these "man-made ethics" which might be ok towards a system that's only function is "civility and appearances" but not to a system whose only function is to "Change The World!"  a Beggar man can use their lack of provincialism  regarding  begging    to embarrass a Ruiner to give to  the church," a coupla Dolllllahs please miss ,please sir... A Beggarman  I can tell you would be much better at such tactics  than a Richman whose basic nature is towards Accumulance,..and who better than a Thief to make sure nobody steals our members or our philosophies or our technology...or our husbands ,wives or children...Nothing makes a better Police-type of Person than one who has been on the "wrong side of the cuffs"...

    and what about the sociopaths
    the psychopaths amongst us...doomed to a hell beyond this earth?
    I tell you perhaps more so than any other "Style of Beinghood"
     it is YOU
    we need most of all
    to Protect the entire Clan

    what if in caveman times
    nobody had the guts or more Basic Instinct to
    "Blow Away"the blowhards that chose to defame and derange the Institutional Nature of a tribe unlike there's?

    What if nobody had the balls or spark to terrorize a clan that had decided to move too close
    to the Clan's annex?
    or pelts or meat or cattle
    or children?

    Most of us would spend hours ,days perhaps enraptured in our conscious contemplations of "Right and Wrong-isms"
    whereas  a Psychopath would by inclination
    just snap to the matter at hand.

    *the blob scene 4 -6

    1. compo cola/bimbombay: The Armature Group
    2. Feb 11, 2015 · ran much of the outsourcing of the human testing and the armature group was too professional and too discrete to consider ..the rightness or wrongness of ...
    3. compo cola/bimbombay: the parallax stereogram and...
      Oct 11, 2014 · " To The Children of the Evolution!"Ethel whispered, kissing Julius..careful not to wake up RACHEL Julius turned to face his wife ,a wife he would not have ...

    there is little emotion in the entries
    there is a reason for that
    much like the recoil one 's mind reflexively
    does concerning
    an act of humiliation, extrusion embarrassment
    when for instance one is rejected by a love interest ..
    or when has been in an abusive relationship
    or raped..
    the mind protects itself first and foremost by turning off or at least dampening emotional response..
    and also emotions in general

    they wanted robotic .
    they got what they wanted..
    it becomes "part of the package'
    a small model a person via input to become
    human drone
    who might or will do things
    an outside agency /a mentor asks "it" to do..
    if the "ward" is too resistant ..
    it is really no problem whatsoever completely over  riding a "Proxy's"
    senses ,cognitions and sense of reality
    that may have previously been based on what is right and what is wrong

    some  where inside one self
     one is aware that YOU.."app-ed" for renditions concerning input and out put  are helping
    those that captured you in  a manner the often I can not quite believe myself
    get better and better at making this technology better and better...

    there is No enemy to SEE
    except via Tele-Presence
    there are no swastikas .. no men in uniform on lists..
    or in plain sight to fight back at..
    for years your closest friends and family believe you "are delusional"
    you understand if someone presented the notion that one could be enslaved by
    unseen interface with your biological system
    you would assume "of course" this person is disturbed..

    and indeed a person tampered with to this degree..
    via Psychotronics and Direct Energy ONLY created to
    destabilize a persons's thought patterns ,affect etc
    disturbed...and enraged in such a manner that
    it would not take much
    LOSE one's entirety in "operations" that THEY
    (you know dear reader that "They" lunatics always mention)
    who "are calling the shots"
    want you to

    when will it be?
    who will it be?
    that I am to hurt ..
    to kill?
    by Proxy

    perhaps it will be YOU dear reader.-Cole Cohen 3/29/13

    Monday, April 27, 2015

    bats in the belfry

    (1).....Mainly we did mathematical models of how the brain functions and created programs that used biological data as the basis of the programming's language .We "mapped" what sections of the mind  were stimulated by words  and smells and tv and fear...
     “I was lucky enough that  I was found  to be a suitable enough student
     to mentor
     or what they sometimes referred to as- a Proxy .I had been awarded  a scholarship ..
    I was doing what  I loved
     I had gone into the field of Biotechnology and  Neuroscience
    to focus on new technologies that would allow  those afflicted  with neuromuscular disease to be able to use thought  to communicate.
    in my pre graduate studies a lot of my  work focused on learning how brain waves could be extracted  from a patient's mind with  epidermal and sub dermal
    sensors .
    Some patients who had never been able to communicate before suddenly felt as if they once again joined the world
    I guess I always related to people who had a difficult time being heard or listened to

    I had a difficult time understanding how I was meant to respond to what another was saying
    I guess because what  people  say not always what is  on their mind..

    I cannot say I immediately  warmed up to Jacob
    there was never anything quite warm about him
    which was one reason it seemed so odd that
    he spoke often about  things like mysticism
    which I had always thought of as "a  warm loving force"
    an omnipresent warm blanket
     in the air,on the earth and somewhere in ourselves..
    Jacob explained to me that for one to be a good Neuro Scientist one had to think beyond Good and Evil and most of all sentiment

    and that he could not or would not mentor anyone
    who considered  consciousness "on a chip"the end all and be all of Artificial Intelligence
    and this got me very confused
    for THAT
    in fact WAS the END ALL and BE ALL of Neuro Engineering

     Jacob said  man's tendency to focus  on  Earthy Amenities
    blocked one's abilities to alter time and space perception.
                                               Dualism denotes a state of two parts.
                                            Dualism can refer to moral dualism, the conflict between good and evil...

    to tell you the truth
    my mentor"s talk of supernaturalism   ..made me
    for what I wanted from him was something empirical ..I had by now begun seeing Jacob 3 or 4 times a week
    for independent students concerning- less esoteric matters - concerning my mentorship such as my school work
    Jacob suggested if I really wanted to be a great scientist I should leave school
    The more I persisted in getting Jacob to help me with my studies  and my thesis the more
    he insisted
    that I realize "school is the last place anyone learns anything except what someone else already discovered"

    we had begun going out for drinks after our lab work
    and sometimes after a few
    and more relaxed I would try to bring the subjects  back to the finite
    back to the
    lab work
    but every time I tried to focus the conversation away from mysticism
    my mentor grew more  angry.

    once .I even heard him say that
    my rejection of
     cosmic influence
    did  not fit  my profile
    when I asked him what he meant he said I misunderstood him.

    for the next few weeks we only saw each other at the lab. No more beers. No more mysticism . I assumed the mentorship was over
    One day .out of nowhere Jacob stopped me outside the lab foyer
    asking if I wouldn't mind a drink
    we went to the little pub we previously went to
    and drank and talked It was  Funny talk..again
    but I for some reason didn't mind this time
    and this small voice in my head. Perhaps the very last time I would hear it ..only as my own "
    "He likes you again. You fit the profile

    I started feeling sick.soon after.
    I had only drank one beer and a mixed drink My Mentor said my help take some of the edge off our first meeting ..
    after the long passage of time we were not on good terms

    I had only swallowed one half of the drink when I felt dizzy.odd."out of sorts:
    and saw something on my mentors face that I remember made me ask him
    "did you put something in my drink?"

    "You're such a Joker," my mentor said ,"Let's drives you Home"

    In his apartment
    he  had me lay down
    I guess to sleep
    on his couch....mainly it seems he wanted me "parked" somewhere
    so he could make phone calls
    I couldn't hear what he was saying
    except it didn't sound as if he was speaking to any friend or family ..or anyone  at the school or lab
    I didn't pretend to keep my eyes  I was in a half sleep
    I by now had begun for reasons I didn't understand feeling afraid of him
    and didn't want him to think I was pretending I was sleeping. Also the feeling I had  still since I got sick at the bar wasn't drunkenness or tiredness
    but something more like disorientation, confusion but also every now and than a feeling of euphoria and peace.
    ..Between phone calls Jacob would look down on me on the couch ..mainly at my eyes
    "No,he's not flushing but his pupils are large,black.."
    I knew he was talking about me..
    and had a quick thought he was talking about me as if I was not there.
    and in a way ..I remember thinking T wasn't I wasn't there and just started laughing
    I was no longer afraid
    not of Jacob
    not of anything

    Jacob   must have realized this  or wanted this
    because I remember sensing
    his initial stress seemed to be gone
     and felt now like the old  days when Jacob and I would go to the pub
      because he was talking ,talking more than he ever had
    at first  tried to block him
    what he was saying but now realized somehow that what Jacob had said about duality of one's nature
    feeling this intensifying sense that I was in my body and also out side of it
    the duality that was occurring was real
    and I remember thinking who was I? so much younger and less educated than Jacob to dismiss
    anything  he was saying
    but than the fear would take over
    I just somehow didn't want what he was saying inside me..
    I tried to get up leave..but felt I literally could not move
    I had had occasions of sleep paralysis ..I think we all do when mind seems to 'wake up" before your body does..
    it feel like that..
    but it didn't at the same time
    my mentor seemed to somehow know I was incapacitated and just spoke  and spoke,"
     Dualism denotes a state of two parts.
    Dualism can refer to moral dualism, the conflict between good and evil, or physical dualism  the Chinese Yin and Yang.
    There is a dualism that you may not understand or even know about, “The ‘monism’  which endeavors  to compress all mental and material phenomena into the unity of One Substance,that there is but One Reality
    The mentor spoke of
    “subjective experience”
    is what takes place inside the mind as opposed to what takes place in  the external world

    what takes place in the external world
    'has never been random
    if it had ...our species would have been extinct a long time ago
    often a figurehead.
    a character
    becomes a mouth piece a representative ..for a collective consciousness
    that either was or was not expected
    often it is the job of a mentee
    to help his mentors change the future by using certain collective temporal ingrains
    to help
    reinforcement the Ying and Yang  dualism
    a real or fictional character.
    represents so the Mass Mind can reflexively relieve it's own dichotomy of self
    as if as a Prayer.
    a Chant
    a collective Moan.

      My Mentor would kid me that,"he could make me do things...with or without frequency...or the use of SEE*

    Just by Mesmer -ization

    And eventually 
    threats to comply.  Threats to not sleep or eat or ruminate without telling him and eventually them what type of trigger caused  my thinking to regress away from the mentoring 
    There was nobody I was allowed to speak to during 3 years of this

    what we were working on was Off Grid.-
    I was somehow both honored to be"in the program" and terrified
    3 years of slaps on the back  for being such a sport and the same 3 years of threats
     that He
    that  they

    would skin me alive ..


    *Scopolamine mixed with  oxycodone  (Eukodal) and ephedrine was marketed by Merck as SEE (from the German initials of the ingredients) and Scophedal starting in 1928.

     “I was lucky enough that  somebody found me a suitable enough student
     to mentor
     or what they sometimes referred to as- a Proxy .

    Sunday, April 26, 2015

    of human bondage

    One of the reasons the biotech field has the highest earnings growth (16.5 %) of any S &P fortune 500 company ( a 85% surge in the Mind Assuage/Mind Augment Industry) is because for all intensive purposes to most "outside the loop " the  technology  that allows for Brain Computer Interface (A.I.) does not exist- outside the multiplex.
     There are several reason for this delusion yet  primarily the reason most of this information concerning Brain tech" (ALWAYS the ubiquitous 15 to 20 years away -since 1975) is kept from the public  is because much of the technology concerning A.I. and Virtual Reality and Neural Prosthetics that allow this tech to work is- because  Advanced Technologies concerning what is often called "synthetic telepathy" is encouraged or mandated to  hide or at least mask much if not all of their discoveries based on  research and development under the Homeland Securities Act.

     This same Homeland Security Act and very much an "act" also  allows the  biotech field to use human subjects as fodder for experimentation so brutal and terrifying in it's arsenal that one can ONLY present the non fiction of it's studies as fiction ,as I have attempted to over the past several years . Human Subjects ,for National Security reasons (concerning Breach..never a literal BREACH of one's biological systems)often disappear(i.e die of suspicious circumstances )  IF the subject does not comply with  terms concerning their so called "participation' in these human studies for "the greater good" .In more ways than insider trading is the biotech industry getting away with murder..." -Cole Cohen 3.18.14