I read there are some people ..that are allergic..to the wireless ..the direct energy ,the waves that huge towers placed all over the city. All over the suburbs. All over the country. All up there in "the heavens "
yeah --allergic
to wireless...stuff you can't even fuckin' see....these people claim they like FEEL
all inside them..
these people
this type
they fight "city hall" and write magistrates..
when I think of these people..who write congressman about cell towers..and that stuff you can't even see
hurts them somehow..makes them tingle...or feel somehow altered
I sort of think like you dear reader.
about folks like me
hysterics..possibly with under lying "issues"
if I were a shrink I would quickly "move the patient " /"the client" who came to see me about such nonsense
away from their
unfounded fears
to "the usual suspects"of their underlying issues
that might have presented as somatic
--------I would ask about their relationships.
their childhood.
but what THEY THINK they have come to see me about
I would be thinking listening to the "wacko" drone on,while I keep my visage a practiced shade of neutral --
.. .if they were really absolutely assured that their physical "manifestations"
were caused by
electromagnetics ,waves,wireless,beams and pulses
they shouldn't have come to a shrink
but rather ..I don't know
visited AT and T ..or some such shine -o -la
and yap at underling with no power ..whose job it is "to smile like he means it" as you go on about -------the infrastructure .
_ we._
...... I mean
have built.......
the towers.
the satellites.
the gadgets------------------- we must all have strapped to our heads..our wrists..
these "can't live without devices "
that we keep so close to out biological systems
(out bodies..our ears mouths,cheeks -- .brains)
I would write them a prescription ...begrudgingly.
(letting them see the Begrudge on my face..change just a morsal
so....they might see best 'I am doing them -a real real favor writing them a script for Xanex..
instead of placing them immediately on some "new antidepressant ..(.based on the very same exact chemical structure with a few tweaks here and there -of Prozac-- from way back yonder in 1983)
word on high was that ketamine was supposed to be the New Drug of choice and genuine change
of the Moody amongst us
but this was before Biotech
hatched a new idea concerning drug delivery.
that has everything to do with nano biologicals getting
right up in there..
....not through all the crash boom bang a "stomach" does to
Hard Core Happy Pills
using instead for transport the cleaner plasmatics of your blood stream
with shit so teeny tiny ..you just can rub it on your skin..breath it through an inhaler...
The new "format" of drug delivery systems...already is str8 to brain
(as they say in Paris dear reader -"Look it the fuck up")
someone ...had a swellagant idea...
to go further
than "just using " the new nano scales delivery system...to TARGET areas in the brain once a rather hit or miss endeavor
UNLESS one "really" had some cartoon version of how Zoloft supposedly works..in such an exacting manner.
the swellababt idea? was actually based
on a type of Pharmacology that really has no name
not really....not quite yet
based a lot on various Mind Messing techniques
done decades ago...
by "Mad Scientists" using electrodes and direct energy on so called "throw away " people
who made the mistake of
seeking psychological help from noted Shloctors - like Ewen Cameron (and friends ..now famous for being
the ones who put the Menegele in the M
Ketamine which was meant to be "das new anti -depressant "..would not be sent to the actually bloodstream
to a generous sprinkiling of Merge Bio dreck
you paid for ..first only as
a kind of modem
to receive
Ketamine signals
straight to your noggin' via Service Provider
including the folks I used to work for ..namely Merge Proxy Cybernetics..
supposedly I was fired for having some kinda' attitude problem
the kunts only hired me cause I was autisitic you see.
and supposedly have a different "take" on ---Things
so what the fuck my attitude had to do with me getting sacked
is beyond my Autistic Spectrum
but there's a glean of hope.
I can move back to LA
and do the work I was meant to do
Merge the World!
but till I get back to where I am supposed to be
I will write about the turncoats
suddenly thought of me as a turncoat
the point me and my "team ' of associates were supposed to
make not sound creeeeeeeepy
is introducing
nano particles to folks like you who WANT and DESIRE a more
extra sensory experience out of life
you kinda' know you do...
but kinda' don't know how possible it is...
the reason you watch movies is cause you want someone else..some director ...some story to take you outtta ' your reality
and into theirs
the reason you smoke a joint ,drink a beer.,do some blow is cause you want
to alter your brain signal
now...Merge Bio tech ...it does all that stuff..
but it costs a bit of dough
and also requires you be maybe a bit more "open minded" than you might sorta' be willing to be...
(2) you can't see a new way...hear a new way let alone feel a New Way without getting
Merge Bio Tech
permanently bonded to your neural tissue
that's what me and my associates were supposed to
find a way
of explaining
to potential consumers without like really saying this...
you dear reader ARE a potential consumer.
I reckon part of my job was to type stuff...to see what a social media
user ............consumer ...might read..
hell If I know.
I don't know why I write most of what I do...
it's as if someone put a few "apps" in my brain and pushed a button bro'
if you want to be metaphorical concerning the meta data one collects
taking note of what posts you think "read" true
that might "read" too true has become a bit of a problem......
was not in my best interest to "go out side the lines"
and moreso..
information on
pack of movie directors in LA
and a little Game
they play
and some lawsuits brought and dismissed or settled
concerning "owning another young lad"
I pay dearly for
my ...focusing now on genuine threads that might weave bits of my "story"
I was "found " in LA in my early 20's and also had a gun shoved into my mouth by "Industry" types.
and told
Young Guys.get places "in this town' (Los Angeles)
only IF
"they do what they should"
with guys quite a bit older..
and IF they do not ...IF they think they're too good for "it"
oooooh how you will pay......
....................................................and OOOOOOH how I have ....
(I write little about 1994..
and what "my team " ..unleashed upon my system...it was not "apps"
it was in retrospect
Silent Sound ..and Direct Energy..
synthetic madness.
it took years and years to recover from 1994
whatever reputation I had in Philly as "just this guy"--this guy who always drew pictures at the bar..
was now ..isn't that the crazy guy
from Pine St.?1022 Pine Street..........OOOOOOh the Places JIMMY You will GO!....)
like a fool I went back to LA
in 2011
something else had been developed..
that went quite beyond what was available decades before..
if only I had not gone back...
might I have never been "Upgraded"to this form of degradation that "does not read"...
how can one explain literally BEING POSSESSED by another ...
or how much those who were profiled...
to be able to
Man another Man...
and perform test after test to break that man
into Drone
the reason I was sent back east to "be put threw more damn stories than Wiley Coyote
or mandler to mind
was cuz' they knew
in advance
Your Fool -ie here
would type and type and type
hoping SOMEONE would
say "hmmm well he sure does seem schizophrenic but there be a shadow of a doubt none the least
but in retro-spects
I kinda' think
they just wanted to discover what entries
a reader (like you) might respond to
to get me some demographic;;;;kinda' sneak y yes..but don't ask me..
about Proxy Cybernetic's ethics buddy
I just work here
I am "worked upon " minute to minute"
so there is less and less of me "mentally,emotionally etc...except ONLY the CUES
and associations hardwired into my younger days.
iNGRANS.IMPRINTS...even knowing about this modality ...one still
can't shake "it"..or they shake you..
they have already taken you
but need to show you your place again and again...
that you are ONLY a Test Subject..
to get me a Hinkling of what spiel you respond to-
which one's you write
"have another drink wacko.."
"go smoke some more crack faggit"
(oh and you have nooo idea what that specific response does to me...does for me..concerning my "daily affirmations" that
I can do whatever the fuck I want ...so long as it's for my work..)
they said hmmm Jimbo...how bout; you come up with like all kinda worse case scenarios
concerning people be reluctant to "go subdermal"
to get "app-ed" with Merge
supposedly if The worst case scenarios are presented in traditional tv and film ..
than the public
becomes saturated
with these scenarios
and this way
all the worst case scenarios become
"science fiction"
like a chip in one's tooth filling style.
or something like that..
"Brain Computer Interface ,"
Valerie Prentis said at one of the meetings
"doesn't sound like something i'd buy someone for a bridal shower..
Merge does.
but how?<" she asked ,in that way that teachers like ask questions but don't
or want you to respond
which I always thought was wrong just dead on wrong...
I see Valerie peeping at me like some fuckin' camera in a elevator waiting for "Mista' Dumbo" to put his hand up
Valerie goes on
-answering her own question...
saying,,"How does one describe Merge ? without talking about the "eeew" factor of Merge and how biotech has to attach itself to brain cells ?....One focuses ONLY on the fact thagt without the 'so call-ed"addendum to one's circuitry one misses out
the product ...specifically the Ketamine Signals
that Merge has a patent on concerning this specific...signal based upon
"how one feels on Ketamine" for about 5 years.....
it was our Job to explain
straight to the Merge Bio Tech
"plays" like a music box does
like an IBM punch card does..like a played piano does
signal sequence like .. upon one's neurons..
like one's neurons and dendrites
our first campaign
featured a story board of a hhhhhhhuge orchestra...all kinds of musicians with all kinds of musical instruments...
playing all wrong
until a conductor comes to the pulpit
it was my idea
"and Valeire ,'says to me ,in front of everyone,"So the conductor I suppose represents a Pre programmed signal?..and the muscians represent ..I suppose ...brain signals...to be orchestrated by ONE conductor's
magic spell of Thinking..
"Yes," I say
"sorta Jimmy like a dictator might orchestrate a totalitarian nation to ONE format of Group Thought" she sighed....
tearing the storyboard in half..
"thank you very much for both wasting YOUR and OUR's time once again Jimmy.."
without thinking I said something under my breath
that I believe started
a chain of events ...
many of which I have recounted here..
"People already have their own orchestra..and unless I am mistaken Merge Proxy Cyber is not "going the medical route" but ONLY is promoting Merge for enhancement of Millennials making over 300k a year....
People JIMMY who have demonstrated quite, quite well their own orchestra of brain signals is Peeeerdy damn much "in tune"huh..?
Valerie bent down right in front of me.
looking me right in the eye...
"all I need you to do Dummy...is to explain to the rich kids ten times smarter than you DUMBO!
that they
can't get the ketamine signal without Merge bio tech
not some moronic HICK HACK
demonstrative .....of mind as Music Hall!"
you need to Get Merge
not only for
the signal of K
but for the signal of MDMA,DMT and a pretty wild signal sequence that triggers Oxytocin (the empathy hormone) into Brain Computer or Mind to mind MIND FUCK
you "want to go somewhere.. romantic .
it .
was just getting to me
that eeewww factor ....and I guess it showed to 'my team"...
my job '
storyboarding at Parasol Pictures. for the new format of Tv that skips right over the bullshit that is holographic Tv and goes
straight to cortex
.....for a more interactive experience....
was over...
I was fired.
have you not noticed "the dis' of DISGRUNTLED in my jottings dear friend?
for feeling a bit squeamish about
straight to cortex
that not only used nano bio tech to put stuff into thy head but yank stuff out ...
how else you gonna' genuinely interact with TV
when a pupil /thermal/facial recog scan ...just ain't enuf...
saying my peace ..in the 8th floor of Merge Proxy Cyber.
(that nobody really understands ...that interactive virtual reality based on one's own experience is
NOT worth the price of the experience'''
OH ,Valerie Prentis said,Is that to be our catch phrase? jim? Interactive VR is NOT worth the Price of the Experience ?)
my final words to Valerie were something like "Hey I thought I was to present the worst case scenarios of Merge bio tech...and BCI not have to hock the product.."
"Oh don't worry Jimbo...you will"she said...
I was given a small bit of severance pay
and given a bit more than that....
I was 'app-ed"
I think about the people who believe their bodies.
their nervous systems are being somehow injured..somehow ..pulverized by
living "too close ' to a cell tower...
or some kind of direct energy device
and all I can think of
"how they don't seem fun"
how they wouldn't be fun to party with
AND I see a brite yellow smile-ly face
seemingly out of nowhere
sent 'by ---wireless straight to the Merge spiked me with ...at
the " Goodbye Stranger " party they had for me
on my last day of work
the smiley face means -FINALLY... I am thinking- the right way
about the New Way
and might soon
be able to
get my old job back