Sunday, May 17, 2015

fagola shine-ola controla'


                                                               I did what I was told..i wrote what I was supposed to..but no more..
an asset now liability
my "real " father who I later found out was anything but real..a Monarch marriage ...for the "greater good "

rejected me..
for going against my "razing"(one is supposed to RESPECT "it" you see...I hope YOU see because I don't nor won't
could anyone respect a staged childhood...the house ...a Skinner Box..
me the mouse ..

tens of thousands of kids raised "just this way"

the racket I heard about "the church of a certain -ideoly
turned out be just racket
another stage

an excuse ..for the way I like many were raised to mimic the exact "process" this church used to bring up it's own
clean and CLEAR

my "job" later in life to 'play Jimmy Olsen' and join this wicked church...

and I was to buy what the "church' managed to convince most it was...
NOT in fact just a front

other nations saw through whom I will refer to as the leader of this movement t/church /self help group
but other nation's had gone all out helping what I refer to as Neuronautics ..and refer to it's leader as Gary Rainy.

this frint wen tall out  over kill

." u ever been to the annexes...and their over sized centers? ...purposely outrageous ,hideous architecture... buttresses mixed with columns ..turrets
...all the colors are "off"...gaudy and  grandiose...
just to state
LOOK ..LOOK how SILLY " this building looks..
ya' know you make something a front ..well it doesn't need neon or alabaster yellow walls to say
I be bona fide..cultish.

I am not sure .,,if I 'm supposed to be a front.. I am nothing anymore but what ever
"my team " decides..
I may as well have sawdust in my head after so many lawnmowers have taken my mind -never meant to be mine and  have run me over and apart
I think I am screwing up whatever purpose I was meant to serve with whatever self I have left.
and I think I want to..
and yes they know this..
and for this I am being hurt right now as I retype this older entry
the pain they inflict physical...and fast...

when I read THEY want to use this technology to make soldiers I imagine the lot of them blowing off their own heads rather than shoot at the enemy ..
with Intracortical interface ..whomever is transmitting the input based on your output -by the end of "basic" ground into just enough mush
that one will not appear too robotic as to be detectable as part of
HIVE MINDED defensive  offense Is the enemy

of course I have turned against THE and THIS....I have no idea who wouldn't or couldn't

why rewrite some of these entries now 6/28 /15
because I want to be found floating in river ..or in a ditch...
again the pills did not take...and the gun I purchased chamber is faulty

 what goes with an ear piece telling you what to "say" that is hooked up to your dendrites
I feel no affinity to anyone..these people treat me like some kind of monkey..with a type writer..
I understand now why monkeys throw their own feces  at their handlers.

"what kind of Jew are you" is the question I am "graphed'

"a jew no longer " I graph back feeling the searing pain...
and licking IT UP
Liking it now.

.we all know or have been taught  Jews are TOO good to hurt their own
I can say this because I am a jew? this is how we talk right not ruffle feathers..

someone jews..anyone makes you lab rat
you don't care about ruffling..
but rifling at the group who made you not human BUT HUMAN ORGANISM...
besides to jews..a fag ..isn't really human
jews hate fags. Israelis hate fags almost more than Arabs

I do believe my fagola ways..
made my a prime candidate(Manchuria not with standing) to be VERMIN for the tribe
IF and only IF
I would let my mind hmmmm..
ting' ain't what dey seem..

why would a Tele-Presence come right out and say say say till you want to cut your ears off ...WE IS Neuronautics..? huh
makes no sense,,

 I became a neuronaut....
and left Jimmy olsen behind...
now what kind of Jew becomes a neuroanut?
Neuronautics may not be what it seems ...and began as a front

but it grew into something with MORALS! and ...genuine..
help...for those who are sick of mind...and we ALL are until we ..beggin understanding ALL of our thoyughts effect others...and all thoughts that have ever been released into the air ..into the enway! are still there ..waiting to latch on and
get inside you ...just like a intra neuralo interface might ..which everyone NEEDS..TO LEARN how to defend themselves from RUINERS
I live with XXXX who is also a "neuronaut" as are all the roomates..
as are everyone we know
but everybody knows what "this church " is who thinks for a moment..
it's just not something anyone is ever allowe dto say..
it's MK ULTRA...
they needed a front ..and a front man..
they fuckin' requisition ..who WTF I will still call Gary rainy as I become so used to it..
in a VA hospital where they were"casting" for a charismatic..
at the time I just felt it "read' better with certain truths not quite self evident ..
being exposed..i had a hell of a lot of help writing this and not just from my Mentors
they let ...some stuff slide know I would be impelled to write SOOOOO much that nobody but nooooobody could read or understand what I am saying..
they knew I wouldn't have the write it as some easy to read novel..
(someone else is..they feed every Proxy the same damn stories..VALIS style..)
I am the bad guy now in a very very serious way
seems I went along painting all lunatic like for years ..
and making a public debacle of myself ...physically to "play the loony"
so the painting would read outsider art..crazy nut..
than I'm like hmmmm
what's in it for me..they threw a few bucks at me and some boyfriends
and some dope.
than it was NOOOO more drawing Dumbo!
but I don't know how to write..
aaaaaahhh we have ways of making you "a vehicle"
a lot of actors are trying it..
it will be  "Cool World"..we'll put some stuff in your arm which will go past your blood brain barrier..
and we'll experience "all the wonder and horror of VR and A.I. via interface"
also you have no choice or we'll make sure you end up with your back broken.
the shit these lunatics have done to me ..over the years is beyond human comprehension..
and we aint' even talking  my fiddle about childhood.
who fiddled me...MEN brought in "for the cause" to make me "malleable"
where' these men come from ? all I know is nothing was coincidental
they wanted me to know that...
fuck if I know
can u begin to understand how little I care for their
telling me ...NO we don't write about it THIS way
or so help me dumbo we will ...

! who cares!
Cole Cohen 3/5/14

(I guess THEY TRIED ..tried to make you feel like you were "part of the action" at least in the you were...
some in game..
after all you become sort of an action the beginning you are real real real into their much can barely tell the difference between VR and actual reality ..virtual...reels upon your visual and auditory cortex and the stimuli that "passes" for jus treal life..
but than you're like WTF...just leave me dum you think I am? i'm just a Guinea pig /lab rat nothing more..)
Thursday, March 14, 2013A Fish Called Calev
at the Dr's.
i have to go.
i have no choice
he records things now.
on a tape recorder..and sometimes video if I am some kind of criminal all of sudden.

5/17/ 201*

he talks all gentle..all non threatening.all fake,like I had been told these Dr's are taught ,every little thing they do is calculated to make you trust them and just "say anything",their job is to make you feel some false sense of comfort.sometimes it works.
this time he gave me the tape.
he told me to listen to it
and see if I hear what he hears.
he says maybe I should try typing it
or writing it to get a "new perspective" on the "situation"instead of being "lead" like some dog on a collar this way and that by "mentors" who he insists seem to be leading and weaving "the semi fictional "story" for their own means and ends
and perhaps my own

This group you write about doesn't seem to like you very much do they?the Dr. says

They don't like me for good reason.They are trying to help me.

Help you with what?

Help me not be sick

And just how "are you sick?"

I think wrong.
For instance ,I think about my body too much.

And that's a specific problem for them.That's curious don't you think? I mean ,I think about my body.After all I must live in my body..

It's important not to think about it,it fucks things up

For them or for you.

Them telling me not to think about it made it into,like a complex,and than a complex becomes like an obsessional thinking,it was an obvious mistake on their part..

What else aren't you supposed to think about?

I'm not supposed to read or read labels or try to confuse them by having an Ipod or listening to songs or thinking about my past or future or self .Or money problems or problems in general.Nothing really that is not about Intention or Automatic Thoughts or Reactions to various stimuli around me in present time

And you can do that?

No,not very well,at all

So,it's like some extraterrestrial or something came down to earth to get a look around and uses your brain ,eyes and ears as a vehicle ..the way THEY are teaching you to think

Sort of,yes

And when you make the mistake ,for instance, of thinking about your own needs,you are interfering
with some kind of sight seeing tour

It's not working out ...They are trying to empty me out a little of interference,so i can be more Open Minded to the New Way

Sounds like THEY don't want you to have a mind at all,that your consciousness is getting in the way of The New Way.That "this New Way'"s agenda seems to be about making you into some kind of rag doll or puppet.What are you allowed to think? Or do ?

They don't mind my walking,so long as i don't concentrate on minutia or throw them off with reminiscence or unfocused observation,they don't mind also if I watch TV ,so long as I don't react to it in a self referential way but a universal way,like I can't or shouldn't compare my own life to the plot lines or characters..

I would like you to consider something for me.I'd like you to get a body scan.I 've already spoken to someone about it being pro bono,and this is quite an expensive test..I and some others need to SEE if there's something to this.Do you understand ?To see if these "inserts" you have mentioned are detectable.If there really is something "in you"

No way.Absolutely not.

So you like the feeling of being used and owned,I'm surprised ,very surprised.

I am not explaining it right.Obviously,I am being helped.I am being mentored,there's a certain trust that's been established...

What did they do when you tried killing yourslef to get away from them?when you popped 40 vicdin?Did your mentors say "no .Stop"

Neuronautics is about free will,not control

So when you began crushing up the pills and pouring them into grape juice nobody from this Mentorship program removed their headsets or "graphed" stop the game...or came banging on your door to "re-educate" you that this was not a good idea

seemed like a good idea at the time I do not blame mentor ship for my shortcomings

when you were homeless ,when you lost your apartment due to the stress and rage at the endless interfacing did THEY reimburse you? Or put money up for a new place?Or pay subsequent legal bills?


They just fuck with your head.Why you can't even watch television without these mentors using what you see and hear to use as another "rundown" or lesson ...

They are trying something new,do you think this is easy for them?For instance some of them don't like the "gay thing"

How sad for them

Some don't mind at all

Well isn't that good news,that some of the mentors that dosed you with illegal nano don't mind your sexual preference.

can I get a refilled on my script?

Not until you agree to a scan

I don't want to get them into trouble.Besides they have their people in those places.

Yes Neuronautics does seem to "get around" This group that is saving you and has begun allegedly putting cues in television programs and has a system of child rearing to correspond to these cues..Whose idea of social and spiritual progress is having mentors monitor or correct the Collective mind of it's captured,entranced "followers" whether they like it or not.A group that has supposedly interfaced several of it's devotees off bridges into subway trains and Christ knows what else...and that's who you're protecting.Do you hear yourself?Do you?

Don't question my beliefs and I won't question psychiatry.they were right about you guys.About this. I am at least open minded enough to appreciate the trouble my mentors are taking dealing with my case

Your case?

They work 24 hours a day monitoring my thoughts on their own dime,trying to make sure I don't regress into Old Way thinking.If i am failing it is my fault ,not theirs. it was my fault coming here. For Pussing out about getting my come uppence.You don't know my inner thoughts Dr. you neither have the equipment or expertise for it...You don't know what Enrot I am putting out not only towards my mentors headsets and minds but into the Enway itself..
you don't even know what seeing the Rhino means
you don't know anything
you are an unresolvable ruiner.
all psychiatrists are.all Drs. are.all teachers are.
and your day will come.
cuz our time is now.
a scan...
it's not about the technology's aout not being afraid of being read.
it's about trusting one's mentors
and the process.
if one jumps in front of a trolley car to stop the process...that's a hell of alot more dignity and RESPECT than running off to some scanning center,I'll tell you that much

Fuck you very much Dr.and fuck your pills,hello, i must be going but you wouldn't know what THAT means would you,not what it REALLY means.Ever


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