Sunday, May 17, 2015

too many pieces come together.
and I want to both place the pieces together while I rip the story apart
I want so very much for "my team: to pay
what they have done to me make this read it does...or was supposed to..
it never quite did read as they wanted..
I al but refused to write a remake of Polanski"'Repulsiom"
except ya' see Jimbo..the gal...isn;t seeing and hearing things nor coming apart t her seams cause ..she is having a psychotic see..
but because she is being subjected to psychotronic weapon's aimed at her pretty
head -
who has decided to do this to poor Catherine Deneuve
oh let's just say  by some  smitten lad..she has unwisely offended by deflecting his glances..

'that's that so difficult ?
Miranda vs  Ferdinand Clegg,wins the lottery (or IN THIS CASE DUMBO!!!!! a billions dollar military contract concerning Advanced Technologies that deal with synthetic telepathy and A.I.) and  buys a big house in the countryside and kidnaps Miranda Grey, a beautiful twenty-one years old art student with whom he has been obsessed for some time. After a long period of preparations and observations, he forcefully brings Miranda to his own cellar, especially modified to house her for a long time. He treats her nicely, buying all she desires in terms of food, clothes, books, music, and art. He fulfills her every need except her want to be free. He holds her captive, without any connection to the outside world, in the hope that she will eventually grow to know and love him.

and that's basically all we wanted..
not this sprawling almost unreadable manifesto concerning Dumbo's take on the movie industry,politics..organized religion..

all we wanted was you as Miranda ...explaining in vivid dental how this technology was destroying your mind ,hopes ...soul..etc..

Tr Christi graphs

'well ,I can trim it down...and just keep in those bits...but I must say I sort of went out of my way to keep a lid on those you said those were renditions. And not personal.."

"NO DUMBO..those things were very personal..and OF COURSE we told you they were just  one part of why we were doing the interface...tokeep you going hope-in things would get better AFTER the initiation"Tru Christie graph,"We wanted and needed you to write simply about what was going on..main;y about the various means of torture.."

"why would I give you that?,,it 's bad enough this was and is going on why on earth would I give you

"than stop what you are doing immediately before your torture becomes a little more hand's on.."

'bring it on man...although I do hope I do not come to any hasty end ..or how can I exalt the wonders of BCI with my "marvelous team" who has worked nonstop to make me a better and more thoughtful,kinder man via the interface..?"

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