Sunday, May 17, 2015

pardon me dear reader ..who has either checked in to see how a lunatic explains their unfortunate hallucinations
or how a Targeted individual on his last bit of sanity attempts to
write somehow in the style of meaninglessness
to try to somehow write down the FEELING of absurdity  for instance walking in Van nuys with ropes/belts tied to one's arms ..legs
to infer one has been made a puppet.
...or placing a bowl of sour cream on your head in a house of pancakes in palm springs to SHOW somehow ..

nothing matters..
the days are too long to be "tracked" and studied...and to have one's inner visions and thoughts read..

all you want ..sometimes is to display the the world..
you are thinking and interfacing YOU pouring sour cream on your head in a pancake house ...
so your tele -operators can ...
sense through you..
you got me.. but what do you have now..
as you dump a dish of corn down your pants
what have you got?

I no longer must appear sane..
nor think sane intentionally thinks odd things toward 's one's 'tether"
 you picture your self as ashes placed in a tea bag being served to a pair up yuppies in that pancake house...and next you being the tea
 they drank
you picture you're in them and taking them over like a 1980's bad movie..
u read them and break them and hate on them and hurt the psychotronics human testing has destroyed u
in ways..that one wonders if there will be a soul for G-d to
judge ..
there is nothing to you anymore ..oh for Christ's sake why can't I have the stamina to just leap from that over pass..please please..Lord for  there will still be some left of me to judge have watche dwhat they've done...if I ask you not to punish them..will this make me "good"
I so much want /need them pay..
they will..
the universe works like that..
all of them.
coming and how much I do
strange baby-ish rhymes go through you..for them..only for them
"i'm a little tea pot short and grout up go my wings to fly the  gizzards out
pup go the lights and dingy dose arena
 jack joe and  tiimy ate all the farina
IS that right I graph ...Evan convey second symptoms of schizophrenia..
so we can keep doing this?

even when I turn on you...I graph.i know nothing but this.but HIM.but THEM

'it might put things on some kind of hold until ...we can figure out how to get rid of you in a manner that ...doesn't post too many red flag..."evan graphs

can I try that ...secondary symptoms again..i graph back

"it reads like you're trying too hard...or not hard enough"evan graphs

Cole Cohen 5/3/14

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