Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Coercive Reality

he purposely drives to a separate part of town that the town fought so well in keeping separate
from the "right type"
the "right kind' who wore the right shoes and jeans.
the "right kind" with the prettiest wives
and coffee tables.
he was once
a good catch
and he had all the right bait.
including a job title that
actually caused people to ask him to
"tell me more,that sounds fascinating" and mean it

The Mind Augment Filed.
Neuro Prosthetics
A.I. a genuine Brain Computer Interface

Google Glass...he would say...
when people still mentioned the product.
but without the glasses
 a version of Jonny Mnemonic without mnemonic suggestion
and association ....

but there would be no neural prosthetics
without Guinea pigs
and that's where he drew the line

and that's when THEY ,who took over his company
drew their first find

he  purposely drives to a separate part of town that the town fought so well in keeping separate
from the "right type"

                       to the set of bought houses...that house people
                               there's a difference in "homes" that are built to be considering housing for
                                     a small population people want "contained"

he doesn't know if he  makes himself drive  to that part of time where these "group homes ' are
or if the Merge Biotech is providing him, prodding him to aquire

these group homes
and the psychiatric hospital he found himself
driving by after work at proxycyber
 is the only is the only place that  he knows of where others  "hear and see things without the benefit
of neural prosthetics

the people that live in these homes..these group houses.these hospital halfway houses
He wants to talk to those who dwell here..
and talk about what it like to Hear and See things others don't
technological in origin
or otherwise

the same
to be the same
if this went on
and there was no end in sight

but  he knows he should not.
talk to potential "finds"

there are scouts headhunting everywhere  for a "brand" of  the most unique and scary "brand" of psychosis"
these scouts

brought on board to Human Services
by an outside agency
interested in collected Neural Specifics and Brain Maps
of a "type of disturbed state of mind
said to be -

in the Mind Assuage Business.

the business was about everything...
not just received reads of Madness
but coconscious 'I'm looking through you"fucking

the acquisition of actors and models
was as
as a pain reading

it was when he stopped a headhunter from "app-ing " up a young cheerleader,only 16...that things turned on him..

The company,whay used to his company  was already now overseen by all matter of 3 letter agency types
and his
that a line had to drawn somewhere
was a line he may as well have drawn as an x on his forehead. Indicating he was now himself fair game

 He ,received "a dose" of his own product
from either within proxycyber or another competitor and felt drawn to others who were
albeit,he assumed physiologically but possibly neurtech-ology
it was so hard to tell
these days
at least
to those in the biz
a not just  days or years but ,a decade ahead of the public's knowledge of
what could be done
Inside information
in the A.I. game and Augmented reality
could be cloaked in 30 companies working on only aspect of Research and Development that by itself
seems innocuous
or at least analogous

he had grown fascinated by schizophrenics and psychotics
in fact
he found himself taking his lunch out  on a bench across from the Group Home that housed, that shelves, that warehoused
these people who saw and heard
and took away their fears....of being controlled by outside elements
but also everything else
in doing so
 who live there.In a there ....created only to be an "anyplace  but here...any where but in our neighborhood" were   so medicated ...they barely spoke
on the rare occasion He tried talking to them-to find kinship,to find something,to find strength

he thought it was odd
that the population fears "this type of crazy" most of all.
the type of crazy-that is based on a" human organism "seeing and hearing things others do not
and listening
                     taking commands ...
from these "entities" that for whatever reason have entered their 'bodies,thier souls,thie rminds"
he thinks it's kinda odd
we fear "them' so and want "this kind" housed far ,far away...
for we all 'take commands " from outside sources..
and "become" whatever out side forces and sources tell us is "in " right" or 'cool' or"trending"
and that we all mimic ,are directed by
on  the "set" ,on the screen only ,often we  can see
and NOT always ON...and on and on ..
that we FOLLOW Sound .
 only we can hear...
as much if not more so
 than those locked away- in these "Homes"

the only thing ..that's different..
is that the sound and image that enter those of us  not "put away"
is 'mutually agreed upon" to be "sane"

and only manufactured to entertain us ...and not entrain us

He often walks deliberately past this stretch of "Homes"
bought by the city.or state...staffed with men and women who were educated,taught
to "work" with" these people"
by whom
is the problem

by people who have often never listened to another voice but their own
He,has noted that
moreso than most a psychiatrist taught to provide insight to others
likes only to
hear his own insights be
absorbed by his "client"

more than any other "cog" the psychiatrist loves the bureaucracy  of HIS thoughts and reviews and conclusions being
stamped...duplicated ..ok-ed...filed...refiles ,sent...and check listed

He has met so many of these shrinks
after He was
poisoned with Merge
,drs..these .specialists..
who believe they knew him as soon as he told them what was wrong.
He only went to them for anti anxiety medication, he knew what was wrong

"I see ,I  Hear ,I feel and smell and taste and  I dream things not my from with but placed "through me" from with out .."

Inevitably  the Dr.would ask why he thought this was.

"Because I used to work at Proxy Cybernetics ," He  would say, matter of factly "and all we did ,all day was work on methods of perfecting these inducements on another's perceptions- Brain Computer Interface,Neurotronics...there are many ,many ways to accomplish this task ....."

The company's name has changed more times.
than He ,since being spiked  had changed Doctors
the name of the company and the primary function of this company was not what it was conceived to be...early on all agreed never to take on any military bids...or contracts
He would not have gotten involved with a Group or Start Up all those years ago
that would use the hurt another with
In fact he and his friends from Grad School began Proxycyber Inc to change the world 
away from violence...the empathy even a single Brain Computer or Mind to Mind Interface could induce
was astounding and lasting.

Our only reason for being
when we began was  about enhancing
Human experience and human perception and human communication ,mind to one or two ..or how ever many  number of people wanted to
"play a game"
that only could "work"
that  only could be totally Immersive and fully interactive
if one first learned how to read  and than decode another 's signals

'What signals ,?" the shrink would ask.

"Brain signals," He would tell the shrink.

'Oh ,they can do that?"the shrink, sometime amused ,sometimes serious ,always disbelieving ,although some shrinks were better at covering up their disbelief , much better than others
if only
only the "patient" would "go on"

Often the next question would be asked in tandem with the Dr. or clinician either writing something on a piece of paper or trying to do a masked study of  one's "affect"

"So your company ,the one you claim you worked for...could do this ,read minds?"

'We never called it that...If we did we had to put five dollars in a little coffee tin if we did"

The company..
that was his ..
year by year slipped further away from he and his intial investors ....
and into the hands of homeland...

 I pause and wait for the next
 pack of ideas
 from "My Team"
my puppeteers

 I have no choice
but to listen
 "My Team"
my team
 using me now to create  a gaming  program Mind to Mind style.
or so they say.
they say so much
and so little of it makes sense
it must be part of the fun

the meaningless of this..\
the specifications of measured neural peptide engagement in humidity above 68%
histamine level incongruence caused by sudden alterations in cursor response

is more what Proxycyber began measuring when the men in black slacks took over
and the stories ...the reasons
began to become important
if only to keep the 'husk' the "human lab rat" constantly
upended. Confused...


Gaming ...that they were picked to help develop Gaming
is what they used on the kids they dosed with Merge under 15 years old..
for a time it always kept them engaged..
and respondent ...
gald to be "of service" for "the future"
but it always changed
no matter how many "Good Boy..Good Boys" were said
when the threshold tests began
and inevitable  mental breakdown

"stop ,stop,please stop" would all one would hear on headset...and see in their decoded nonvocalized ,previously unreadable inner thoughts...

 every day I wake up and "play "
I tell myself I do it
so they won't poison a kid...
instead of me with Merge.

but now they want me to write to think them Games...
to suck other kids in....

and I realize I wake up only because I want to awaken

even the lie I told myself that I was postponing this new white traffic is gone

my only excuse  dear G-d is that I am too pull off a successful suicide..
I am now too gone too care if they take a 14 year girl...for comparison Neural Spikes during  Brand Loyalty indications
"keeps the lights on" Neural reads..

 mind to mind gaming  is more about cinema than writing
 all images...
 and all the images have to be collective images.
 as most folks who might buy our brand...don't get the imbeds, the biotech
 but just the headset..
 to give it a test run
 although even an Emotive headset can collect many types of signals..that provide some
 "take" on a Mind to Mind or Brain Computer interface
 without nano bio tech  the sensors...can't really "get in there" and
 read and next decipher the content of  one's synaptic messaging
  my "Team'
 I think to them -one minute or so- of  Neural Based exposition based on the themes My team just impart upon me

he purposely drives to a separate part of town that the town fought so well in keeping separate
from the "right type" -was the first my auditory cortex receives upon waking
  presented as.
 pure visual......
 pure visceral
 some HE.
 in his late 20's early twenties..(or some SHE with a few minor adjustment when "Place and Story" are sent to a prospective "Gamer's" noggin
 during a rather complicated non invasive fMRI based ...demo )
 concerning some
 aspects of " what it will be like" if the client decides to 'go imbedded"
 I am told to be ,to think to my team something
 "rank and file" of dress and attenuation of one
 who makes "the high 6 figures" who will be able to  afford ProxyCyber as service provider.
 well dressed .well heeled..
 a world weary...imbue .
 also a"coat of Generencia",flat initial sense of self being
 so other operators can have a Neural palate
 they can "play with"
 to add and subtract
  beats based on great transmits...
 of the many walking around with sensors unware...
 meaning (no talk back ."do you want ta' play a game Holla back...2 way interface)
 that bad boy is often just used on
 people on lists..
 or just people "in the field"that as yet has no name
 to a perspective buyer I am to emphasize
 the Wellness of spirit
 and  "NO FEAR "exploration.... and also emphasize that ,at least until we go public in the next 5 to 15 years is not contractually not  allowed to
 tell anyone they have been "app-ed"

 that the "client" will want  speak about what is going on
 share of their "modifications/upgrades/inserts"
 hence the "visit" I am to evoke ...of a man or woman ...spending their lunch hours playing "peeping tom"/maudlin at the mental 'home'

much of this is to instill
 the notion of "just how close ' certain aspects of
 a Two interface can be...
 if one choses to heighten themselves
 with "Mentored" Mind to Mind Service provider
 to try to "undo' some of the damage that comes from thinking
 with remote neural monitor...
 the Mise en scene
 is weak
 but the clear
  there's an early 1970's William castle -esque
 they want we me to give a think to
 a bit of Roman Polanski "repulsion"/compulsion for the "client" to be inbued with
 during he or she's intake
 -confused ,once together adventurer ..
 mortified by his or her choice
 9once the nano goes in can never come out bonds literally to the dendrite...
 and once one is 'app-ed" with OUR product
 when CANNOT be "turned off" or not monitored...for although connected to their biology
 the sensor is still OUR BRAND
 ...we also cannot have our clients
 go talking about the many ...
 new Age /New Way "renditions" via interface
 that "make You a better You"
 I feel a jab of pain in my arm
 I am getting off track
 He or she  scopes out part of town our clients ...would not usually set their feet in..
 the area of town...
 that has been seen as worthless ,dangerous and undesirable
 enough" to house"people not worthy, or too dangerous  to live in a "home"
 but - a "Home' with a capital "H"
 in cases
 where a client testing Advanced Technologies
 might find himself
 (or herself0 relating too-
 I am interfaced .to play down aspects of ..
 but only after providing a neural Spike of heightened terror ....via my signalship
 that can than quickly be shifted /edited
 to instill in a potential client
 that if one lucky enough to be on the "ground floor" of this 'New Way" of 'Group Mind"
 and the client breaks protocol and resorts to seeing a shrink ....or "coming undone "and thus relating to
 those undone

 my Team wants me to think up the emotion based adrenals.I am after all a level 7 OT
 (operating tele-presense)..and I have been taught
 to do complicated juxtaposition
 a second by second  montage of both visual cortex based  ,visual auditory based
 a potential client
 MUST be meant to FEEL
 before agreeing to "going insertive" biotech
 that "those who can't maintain"
 might very well
 be placed in a "Home" to maintain one who  'breaks the stipulations" with their service provider.
 by thinking up
 an image of "Mental patient ' in from of one of these homes.
 that is terrifying...
 in the beginning
 I won't do it.
 I thought it sickening  to do" central casting "thinking Mind's Eye Style of" Mental Patient"
 yet "the voices...the seeing",the "tether" the collective reminded me
 Hollywood .even in 2015.
 still does it all the time
 "it must be ok "
 and if you don't think the way we teach you
 I was graphed...
 your thinking of "Mental Patient" -mind's Eye Style
 will be much more authentic in inception than I might care for


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